23 days until the Olympics


Apr 14, 2001
I just saw that its only 23 days until the Olympics, I wonder if they have finished anything yet? :dopey:
And may I be the first to ask who gives a flying fuck? The very mention of the word Olympics conjures up all sorts of memories of being forced to watch them at school and do pointless, poster-sized projects about the history of the whole debacle. Oh the pain, the pain of it all!

I'm a big Olympics fan, but the time difference is a pain. Oh well.

Speaking of the Olympics, everyone here should go and watch One Day in September. Must-see viewing!
I dislike the Olympics for taking over television whilst they are on, and I get sick of hearing about them, but other than that it is cool. Would be good if there was a special free to air channel for it, and no other channel was allowed to show anything, so there was no interuptions.
Well Nine pretty much gave over it's entire broadcasting schedule to the Olympics in Sydney, and all they ever showed was Freeman and Thorpe. I'm about to take away the achievements of these people, but there must be other things they can show as well. I'd like to see other countries doing well too, not just the same old, same old from the "oi oi oi" hall of fame.