2nd attempt to for an SERIOUS open discussion directed to mark


Sid Vicious Reincarnation
Apr 18, 2001
please dont spam this thread again with useless shit like almost all of you with my first thread on that issue.

you all seem to have totally misunderstood what i was trying to say.

forget the hate pit, it's dead, we can't bring it back. FINALLY mark (and dill) gave the answer we all asked for since DAYS (!!).

i was complaining about the way mark handled this whole issue and NOT about the fact that the hate pit has been deleted.

if you wouldnt have caught us all by surprise and ignoring our inquiries about the whole issues circumstances for such a long time we wouldnt be in this situation now.

the spamming threads on the general music discussion forum and the closure of the shout box are, bluntly put, your own fault mark. if you would have been more honest with us in the beginning noone would have posted all these hate pit threads on the GMD board or in the shout box. i hope you agree that these all were quite desperate rebel like actions we took as we absolutely had no clue what was going on here.

a simple announcement thread on the hate pit with everything you said on my other thread would have been totally sufficient to avoid this uncomfortable situation. of course there would have been complaints, but not in a way like it happened now.

and obviously *noone* noticed your alleged explanation on the first day of the hate pits closure. further, i didnt notice any threat about closing the shout box so i suggest in future if you have got something important to say, make sure that at least the majority of the concerned people will be informed about it.

further i suggest to bring the shoutbox back if you feel so as i doubt it will be abused from now on again as hate pit.

just a short note regarding what dill said on my other thread: i thought exactly that was the great thing about the hate pit - that it was unmoderated and we could really post what we wanted without caring about political correctness. but no discussion about that again please, the hate pit is closed.
I doubt you'll get any fresh response I'm afraid old bean, but I think the shoutbox would be safe to open up again.

I never even knew it was there until after the said closure!!!

And it was kind of the major shouting issue at the time!
Me neither, I won't use it that way again, I really wanted said explaination, I might change my sig to, Hate Pit 4-29-02 RIP, Im gonna miss that place, but it is time to move on, thank you Mark for all the hard work you do for this place, and I will see what I can do for a donation.
yeah.a shame the pit is gone but I want the shoutbox re open again
not because I want to shout there everyday but it's kinda bad that because we started using it as a little hate pit and they closed it for the people who liked it
me? you mentioned lesbian teen amateur videos instead of metal videos and then somebody talked about mexican girls and I continued it and then.....
hey it wasnt me!!!
that's because TACOS ROCK!!!!!!!
who can live without tacos??
I have to eat them at least once a week.well that's because I am drunk and I eat tacos with lots of salsa to get kinda sober and avoid a hangover :lol:
Beer rules!

Storm-blame the people who live in udders.it's too hot and sweaty there so they are senseless
heh...Storm is going to open this thread thinking he's had lots of serious responses...heh. Mmmm...beer and tacos.

Pitters even seek destruction amongst fellow Pitters. We just can't help it. We deserve to be thrown into the Hate Pit forever. *Lucios attempts of reverse psychology going bad because there is nothing reverse about it...crawls back to udders in shame and glee*

OK I'll leave this thread now but I have one last thing to say before I retire: AS Roma.
