3 things i hate about death metal drumming

Quite funny yeah...+ he's allowed to rant since he plays quite good :lol:

blastbeats for longer than 5 seconds get boring really fast though.

My drummer needs to see this! He's so fucking shit and does all that stuff he explains in the video! I swear I know far more about death metal drumming than my god damn drummer.

I can't wait to show this to the rest of my band. :lol:
I did agree with all the points but the last one... Blast gets fucking boring to listen to and to play if there's no fills in between, his "not like this" was much better than the "yes like this" part - and his blasts weren't exactly the definition of consistent in that one either. Pulled some great fills though

I liked the ending :lol:

the one thing I hate about drummers........ they wanna play something they are not able to play...EVERYTIME!

You're right :lol: I'm a drummer and I always try to pull off something I just invented in my head a few seconds ago while playing with my band. I'm not a consistent drummer - I often play fills differently than last time and I always want to try new ideas on the go. Sometimes it works well, sometimes I fail miserably :lol:

That's actually something I should stop doing but playing the same stuff in the same way over and over gets boring sometimes and I want to keep my mind in playing, and not start thinking about tits or stuff like that. :bah:
For some reason I was thinking:

The whole time I was watching this.
hellz no. But I gotta say that sometimes I like the fast snare blast beat + slower HH beat.

I also like cool blastbeats at times, but not for longer than a few messures.
It's the same for doublebass or powermetal-like beats, somehow feels like the drummer's too lazy to think of something usefull to play.
I mean sure, there's parts were stuff like that just fits, but some dudes are a bit lazy about thinking what to play.