9/11 aka Sept.11 ... five years later

UndoControl said:
Ok, yes, reggaeton (which has nothing to do with reggae, by the way, to those who don't know what reggaeton is) is far worse than cumbia. As Bloodred said, however, reggaeton isn't music, it's horrible noise designed to make ears bleed and brains get traumatized. But as far as music goes cumbia and rap (and narcocorridos, and latin-american pop, and some croatian village music) are the worst kinds.

:lol: terrible, terrible.

WTF is narcocorridos :lol: ? And do you have any Croatian village music? Uhhh Rincewind's gonna kick yu for sayiong that uhhhh.

Lil' Bloodred Ridin' Hood said:
And do you have any Croatian village music? Uhhh Rincewind's gonna kick yu for sayiong that uhhhh. :p

Errrrr, no, I hate it intensively. :D
And I don't kick people for that, actually I don't kick people at all. :Saint:
Trust me, you don't want to hear that. :Puke:

On USA - 9 / 11 issue:
I am sorry for those people same as for any other human being who gets killed in so awful way, but I'm not more sorry for them then for all those innocent victims that die every day now as a payback of USA's politics.
I think it had so big effect on public because USA felt so secure and they thought nobody will ever stand up to them and their dictatorship, but it was also good excuse to get what they wanted (oil), so I do believe there is some truth in all said about Bush knowing that and not stopping it.
And today, I really don't think USA represents anything of democratic country.
TheFourthHorseman said:
I realized it was September 11th many times yesterday but didn't realize it was supposed to mean something special until I read this thread.
me too actually. But its funny that people can rember exactly what they were doing at that time...
Dark_Silence said:
me too actually. But its funny that people can rember exactly what they were doing at that time...

I guess it's because everything went down and everybody were watching news on tv when it happened, and people remember how they felt, etc... so ... I think it's normal in a moment of crisis. I don't know in Europe but here it felt really scary, so I remember clearly what I was doing at that moment, and what I did after... hehe
^That was really the thing - that no one (among the general public, at least) saw it coming.

And I may not like to listen to raggaeton and rap, but my gf does, and she dances very well to it, so they're both bumped up to 'tolerable' in my book.

i didnt mean funny in the sense that you can laugh at it but rather in the sense of impressive in a strange way. Other terrorist attacks happened like in Madrid or in London, but I dont remember at all what i was doing at that time.
Yep, terrorist attacks are/were common enough in Spain, UK, Russia, etc., so nobody is making that much pomp about it, unlike USA - that was something new.
Vizjaqtaar said:
Yep, terrorist attacks are/were common enough in Spain, UK, Russia, etc., so nobody is making that much pomp about it, unlike USA - that was something new.

That was, I'd say, first terroristic act of such proportions on the US soil.

Nord-Ost musical hostage hold-up where SWAT used neuro-paralyzing gas and many hostages died cuz of that or had serious health complications, subway bombings, Beslan school hold-up, Tushino bombings (during a rock festival), where after explosions 1/3 of casualties were cuz people were running across the road in panic away from the explosion spot, and were run over by cars.

And that's all in Moscow (except Beslan, obviously). All succesfully forgotten on many levels, except by those who were touched by it.

And these things supposed to be remembered.
Dark_Silence said:
i didnt mean funny in the sense that you can laugh at it but rather in the sense of impressive in a strange way. Other terrorist attacks happened like in Madrid or in London, but I dont remember at all what i was doing at that time.
I know what you meant, and I don't think it's funny like that, or strange.
Master rahvin has the right of it.
Kovenant84 said:
^That was really the thing - that no one (among the general public, at least) saw it coming.

And I may not like to listen to raggaeton and rap, but my gf does, and she dances very well to it, so they're both bumped up to 'tolerable' in my book.


True, but the government did. It could have easily been prevented. But noooo, they have to make up an excuse in order to invade foreign countries. I think that the worse thing were not the attacks themselves, but rather the effects these had afterwards.

For example, the economy went to hell afterwards, the general paranoia increased a fucking lot (and now the gov. of the US does not have enough imposing it on their citizens, but now they have to do it on the rest of the world. Fuckers.), and that along Katrina has made the US economy go to hell and let China rise.

I really fucking hate that because of all the attacks I will not be able to take my Nintendo DS to Europe because it is possible it may contain explosives.

Shiiiit, fucking paranoia is really getting out of hand.

@Kov: Hopefully it is rap at least, not reggeton. If that were the case, you should consider another girl :p (just kidding hehe).
Taliesin said:
I dont think you can dismiss it that easily though. Honestly, I dont know what to think. Ive seen quite a few pages now with people basically being like "See this image I drew in paint, it proves there was no Boeing 757 at the Pentagon omfg lol!"
Loose Change is a lot better done, though they could be lying just as much as the Bush administration. Their story does make sense though, a pity we have no way of knowing who's lying and who isnt.
Thing is with loose change, they point to some solid facts that still haven't been cleared up. Why are there no pictures at all of the plane that flew into the pentagon? How did the indestructable boxes that record information burn up/get lost but one of the terrorists passports was miraculously found somewhere practically undamaged on the street below? Why did some of the best and safest designed towers fall at terminal velocity from a fire in the top quarter of the building when buildings half as well designed burnt for more than 8 times as long across more floors and stayed standing?

Overall it's hard to believe any government could be so heartless as to stage attacks on their own land to justify war for resources... but there's still many unanswered questions. And I've looked for answers, because to tell you the truth, I'd rather believe it was angry rabid dangerous heartless arabs with no mind or conscience, doing the bloody deeds of the evil god alah yada yada yada... but the only answers have seemed like inadequate aggressive retaliations to what a somewhat guilty looking administration are seeing as accusations.
The thing is, I dont think it's impossible for a building to collapse because of a fire. The fires were like nothing that ever happened to a building before, fires usually dont have tons of plane fuel to burn with, you know. Also, even if other fires burned for longer, you cant conclude from them to the fires in the WTC.
Even though the fire didnt have much oxygen, as it was burning inside a building, it could still have develloped a temperature of around 500-600°C, which depending on the steel could weaken it enough to cause significant structural weaknesses. Maybe the WTC was only designed to withstand fires you could get out with the sprinklers and not to withstand tons of fuel, burning directly on top of the steel structure.
Also, the other buildings may seem tall, but it's possible that only the top part of the WTC, from the lowest burning floor to the top would have made the others look like dwarves, so the tensions on the structure would be bigger, too, since there was more weight on the floors. I also believe skyscrapers are a lot closer to their limits than other buildings, since every ton of weight per floor weighs a hundredfold on the building's base, so damages inflicted to the structure are worse than damages on normal buildings.
All of this deserves a closer look, which I havent seen from anyone so far and unless I dont, I dont know what to believe..

A second point that puzzles me is, if half of the terrorists are still alive, why doesnt anyone perk up and say hi? Only one of them alive would mean that the official story is practically BS, but no one is doing anything like that
Lil' Bloodred Ridin' Hood said:
@Kov: Hopefully it is rap at least, not reggeton. If that were the case, you should consider another girl :p (just kidding hehe).

I should rephrase, hehe. She enjoys dancing to both. She doesn't understand half of raggaeton, let alone appreciate the linguistic and artistic qualities of it :p. We just find it funny because normally people think she's hispanic, and she tries to avoid that (because generally then old creepy hispanic men hit on her, not because she doesn't like the idea of being hispanic), but dancing to it in her car just exacerbates the problem.

She does like rap though. Both for dancing and listening. Unfortunately, not much I can do about that. She's not a big fan of metal, but she did think it cool that at the one DT concert I brought her to she got to hold Mikael's hand when he was reaching into the crowd.
