In between playing with bands, I was the emcee for a travelling women's oil wrestiling show, a blast of a gig. We rented a luxury tour bus and did shows all over the country. Four long haired guys in a 45' tour bus loaded with strippers who were in the show. Everywhere we went, people would ask us who we were. We quickly learned the best way to play that angle was to not choose your 'identity', but rather let people guess who you were, then just agree with them. That way they believe everything they dream up. We got free dinners, drinks, t-shirts from clubs and concerts on off nights, limos, etc. Signed autographs on cocktail napkins, denim jackets and breasts, took group photos with our 'fans', you name it. The best was when we hit a strip club in West Virginia and the manager thought we were Meatloaf's band, so he roped off half the club and made a giant VIP area just for me, the promoter, and the guy who played the referee in our show (thinking we were the backup band), while we kept telling him Meatloaf (our bus driver) was very tired from touring, and may or may not come inside the club after his nap.... food, drinks, free dances, whatever we wanted.
What a blast.