A letter to share


The Promoter
Sep 16, 2001
I got a letter in the mail today from the Marriott Courtyard (where 1/2 the bands stayed). Allow me to share the first paragraph:

Dear Mr. Harveston,

"On behalf of the staff, it was a pleasure to have your group stay with us at the Midtown Courtyard. As I said to you on the phone, they were a great group! It was also a pleasant surprise to see Bo Bice with us as I was an avid watcher of American Idol and a fan of his!"

Ok, so which one of you bastards lied in order to get the free breakfast?

Glenn H.
that is hilarious... seems people mistake any guy with long hair with the famous guy with long hair no matter who it is... lol
HAHAHA, there are just so many ways to go with that Princess Bride.

But as a side note, maybe it was just a tangential comment that that american idol guy was ALSO staying there not affiliated with any of the PP guys? I have no clue what he looks like so I don't know if it would be easy to mistake a real musician for the reality tv icon? :)
Harvester said:
It was also a pleasant surprise to see Bo Bice with us as I was an avid watcher of American Idol and a fan of his!"

Maybe it was him? I mean, if the guy was such an avid watcher and fan, don't you think he'd know him if he saw him? I mean, it's not hard to recognize someone whose face was plastered all over the TV.
Meteornotes said:
That's goddamn funny.

Makes me want to try and convince people that I really am that Wendy's Dude in order to get valuable cash and merchandise...:p

Dave Thomas, founder of Wendys is dead. For goodness sake, let his spirit rest. Back to the grave, Dave. Back to the grave!

Urban Breed has been mistaken for Bo Bice here on a couple of occasions, and a couple of the girls here at work thinks he looks like him... I think it's more a case of any long-haired guy than anything else.

Thanks for sharing, Glenn. :)
