A new interview that makes things clearer...


Jun 9, 2005
Vaasa, Finland
I just got a Finnish heavy-magazine called Inferno, wheres a 4-page interview and article of COB and Alexi Laiho. So I will translate a couple of interesting things here.

The musical advancement has been noticable. Hate Crew Deathroll was a specific landmark to a search for a specific style.

- In a way it was the first the first CD, that was really our thing. The newest CD is a logical step after that. And now the thing has been just improved and taken forward.

Regarding the new CD, there has been a promotionevent, where theres been brought up Laihos comments about the CD being more experimental and including industrial-influences. But now he just corrects these statements.

- I'm pretty amazed by all those industrial-jokes. Maybe I've said something drunk in some interview, but they've gotten me all wrong. That CD is nothing industrial. What I was trying to maybe say in that interview, was that the keyboards might have been played somehow industrial-like.

After the Hate Crew Deathroll being more or less a bulls-eye, one might think that it brings a lot of pressure to the band and especially Laiho as the songwriter, and thoughts, that can you make music better. But he just states that he doesnt think like that.

- If you start to think like that, it immediately affects the musicmaking, and particularly in a negative way, thats for sure. You just have to be able to be like, fuck I don't care. If you start to think that like, people now like this and this, you just want to please everyone in the end. And thats just the best way to make music wrong. Unless you are Michael Bolton.


- The point is that we are trying to do interesting or even surprising things. If I think like that I was a fan, and heard that the band is gonna cover Iron Maiden in the next CD, I'd be like "cool", but nothing else. But If I hear they are gonna cover Britney Spears, at least that brings an interest. Many thinks that "I have to hear it, even though I'm probably gonna hate it."


Dream Theater has gotten a cold ride from Laiho in one magazine.

- That also raised a fucking big hassle. That thing was just dressed in a misleading form, like I was the one who brought that subject up. But the point is just that I dont like all that abusing and wanking their music is. But in the same breath I must say that they are very great players, and I'm no one to criticize their playing. I just don't find anything rock in their music and thats it.


- Oh! So you mean that I would've thought Roope as a threat? No no! Really it was nothing like that. I know that many might think, that a skilled player like he gets to play only rhythmguitar. But our thing is always been that guitar-keyboard stuff. And thats one thing that has separated us from many bands whose solos do two guitarists.

This was also one of the things I discussed with Roope when he contacted us. But this doesn't mean that he never gets to do solos, in fact, he does a couple of solos in this new CD.
Jaja, yup, guess Alexi was probably drunk. Although I really think that there's quite the industrial elements in this album. Heck, just listen to the beggining of the first song!

PS: I also HATE Dream Theater. Not bad players, but VERY tiring.
Jesse- said:
Dream Theater has gotten a cold ride from Laiho in one magazine.

- That also raised a fucking big hassle. That thing was just dressed in a misleading form, like I was the one who brought that subject up. But the point is just that I dont like all that abusing and wanking their music is. But in the same breath I must say that they are very great players, and I'm no one to criticize their playing. I just don't find anything rock in their music and thats it.


I love how they just make shit worse.

This time, they don't even have a good CD to back up their claims :D

DT may not be rock, but atleast they're not nu metal.
borissikic said:
if you can do better, then don't waste your time on this forum, write your great songs and be famous and rich.
I don't have a recording company to back me up.
If I want to do better than AYDY I'll just have my dog shit on the strings. I won't be famous and rich though, because I don't have great old cds with superb music, and even if I had I wouldn't sacrifice the music for the green notes.

-Gavin- said:
I love how they just make shit worse.

This time, they don't even have a good CD to back up their claims :D

DT may not be rock, but atleast they're not nu metal.


While I disagree with the whole "nu-metal" thing. But no doubt still laughed at the comment.

Octavarium was an impressive piece of work and at least it wasn't dissapointing like the new CoB. I think bands trashing other bands is getting quite ridiculus. If you don't like them, then don't talk about them, let's just hear about your own music and whatnot, k thx. I personally enjoy DT's crazy "abusing and wanking their music." Especially on Images and Words. I am not even a musician myself and I think they are a truly one of the greatest bands ever. Under a Glass moon is one of my all time favorite songs.

Back to the new CoB album. I still enjoy to listen to the new CoB album (Living Dead Beat and TLS mostly) and all but it is below my expectations from them and is rather dissapointing to say the least. Let's hope this "experimental" thing is over with and that they (or just Alexi) will take the positives from this album and combine it with their previous albums and progress forward.

To the original poster, thanks for the interview quotes as well.
well i dont agree wth the Dream Theater part, no rock ???

i was at their concert 19/10 , . they played for 3 hours, and it hell wasnt boring , people think that DT has alot of slow , sleepy stuff, but they only played 2 slov songs ;), and they play every song like it was the album version , no mistakes. and at live concerts they take that to another level ;)
everyone who thinks that he knows somthing about music should listen to them or go to a gig

thanks for the interviev.
janez79 said:
well i dont agree wth the Dream Theater part, no rock ???

i was at their concert 19/10 , . they played for 3 hours, and it hell wasnt boring , people think that DT has alot of slow , sleepy stuff, but they only played 2 slov songs ;), and they play every song like it was the album version , no mistakes. and at live concerts they take that to another level ;)
everyone who thinks that he knows somthing about music should listen to them or go to a gig

thanks for the interviev.
Is it true dream theater covers a FULL album of another band in the concerts?
BloodyScalpel said:
Is it true dream theater covers a FULL album of another band in the concerts?
Yes... I have two albums of theirs where the entire album is them playing another band's music. I got them because I thought they would offer a different perspective on the music.. and they certainly did. I have Master of Puppets and The Number of the Beast. Very interesting listens.

I really like it when a band says 'fuck it' and then plays music they might not normally go near. While I don't sit and sing along to the Spears cover... I love the fact that CoB had the balls to do it.. and then laugh at everyone who hates it. That is fucking metal.. guys having fun.. playing music and giving the one finger salute to everyone that bitches about it.
Dire said:
...and then laugh at everyone who hates it. That is fucking metal.. guys having fun.. playing music and giving the one finger salute to everyone that bitches about it.
We bitch not about the fact that they recorded Britney song but because they do it crappy. There are 1000 ways to do this cover better. COB just played the song without adding anything to it, beside that lame solo.
COBSteele02 said:
Octavarium was an impressive piece of work and at least it wasn't dissapointing like the new CoB. I think bands trashing other bands is getting quite ridiculus. If you don't like them, then don't talk about them, let's just hear about your own music and whatnot, k thx. I personally enjoy DT's crazy "abusing and wanking their music." Especially on Images and Words. I am not even a musician myself and I think they are a truly one of the greatest bands ever. Under a Glass moon is one of my all time favorite songs.

Octovarium was very good IMO and they played the heavier songs off that album at Gigantour. Although under a glass moon is truly a masterpiece, I can't even comprehend how someone could write a song like "take the time" :worship:

On Topic: COB's previous albums could be considered "abusive and wanking" so it is kind of lame to throw out a negative opinion about a great band in an interview intended to public.
On Topic: COB's previous albums could be considered "abusive and wanking" [/QUOTE]

..that's why they aren't really satisfied about SW HB and FTR.
Alex1 once said that he regrets every lead he plays on SW and that he sounds like a stupid kid who tries to be Malmsteen.
Noble Viking said:
Octovarium was very good IMO and they played the heavier songs off that album at Gigantour. Although under a glass moon is truly a masterpiece, I can't even comprehend how someone could write a song like "take the time" :worship:

On Topic: COB's previous albums could be considered "abusive and wanking" so it is kind of lame to throw out a negative opinion about a great band in an interview intended to public.

Oh I agree Take the Time fucking rules!
borissikic said:
if you can do better, then don't waste your time on this forum, write your great songs and be famous and rich.

And that is why this album is so good? Because Bloody Scalpel doesn't have any better albums out?
Now that's an argument.

I don't think the new album is crap...but it's definately not something I would do if I could do what Alexi has proven that he can do.

do do do do do do do fuck do do do do do

They went from CoB to CoBHC, meaning from wanking to doing andrew w.k. And I prefer wanking over doing Andrew W.K. any day. Hell yeah.