I wonder what it means that they removed the news about the "very possible" dvd from the site (opeth.com)...
Hey all. New here, but good to be here. Big Opeth fan.

When do you suppose there will be some kind of work or news about when that new DVD might appear or at least some news if its really going to happen or not???
I'm going crazy wondering when we'll hear something...
Welcome to the forum. :)

Please feel free to browse some and use the search function to find the answers to your Opeth and Music related questions. (here)

and to answer your question... I don't know.

Hey all. New here, but good to be here. Big Opeth fan.

When do you suppose there will be some kind of work or news about when that new DVD might appear or at least some news if its really going to happen or not???
I'm going crazy wondering when we'll hear something...

Welcome to the forum.
Well I'd say that they ARE going through with the DVD, as it was kinda stated in the interview someone else posted somewhere, anywho there is footage of the concert already, and i think they're editing it all and maybe should be here early next year hopefully? but yeah i remember seeing someones crowd footage and him saying something like smile for the cameras... yeah... should be awesome :rock:
Nice review! How was the projecter? Tool also had a projecter thingie when I saw them last summer, I loved it.

Cant wait to see Blackwater Park live on the DVD!
The atmosphere in 'Under the weeping moon' was intense. I hope that they can fix the sound on When for the DVD.....it's my favourite song and embarrassingly I didn't recognise it until about a minute into the song. That said; this was still my favourite gig of all time.
the blog guy said:
Just one thing really scares me.
What the fuck are all these nerds, emo kiddies and hoodie-wearing, monkey-dancing indie-weirdoz doing at an OPETH show?!?

Maybe that's the price to pay for the deserved success, methinks.

While filming the Roundhouse show, it became obvious to me that Opeth weren't the band I was expecting. To be honest, I'd not heard of them before, and I'd been expecting some sort of death metal band (which I'm not a fan of!), but Opeth were nothing like that, they were miles better than that, and far more progressive and musical than I'd expected. They seem the sort of band that a lot of musicians would appreciate. It was obvious they are brilliant, class musicians and I'm glad they have such a good following in the UK. I'm really looking forward to seeing the DVD, as while you're filming you're too busy working to enjoy the gig! I just hope you guys in the front row are happy with your close-ups!! Sorry, but I can't tell you anything about the DVD, I'm just a camerman hired for the day, and beyond that, I know nothing. All of the DVDs by this production company have had great reviews though, so I'm sure Opeth's will be no exception.
Include The Moor from that last show please Opeth. A new dvd without any songs from the new album sounds VERY strang to me? Why won't they release it with RR?? A new Opeth dvd will prolly sell well, RR must want this, and want to have new songs on it. Strange strange, but oh well.

Here is my little theory...

I still dont beleive Roadrunner reguard Opeth highly. I still think they signed them as a credibility band rather than a money making device. If RR were involved it would have been filmed in America with their choice of camera crew. Opeth would have had no say in the set list and it would have been mostly GR stuff. Id say Mikael wanted the freedom to choose what he wanted to play and he probably liked the job the crew did on Lamentations. Kudos to Mikael if this is true.

What is a fucking damn shame is that effectivly Opeth don't own their songs. This has to be changed.
Opeth signing to RR was a mistake and I see future problems. RR is already being dickheads about the Bloodbath DVD. Opeth should leave RR before they have serious problems.