A new, sober, thread about single malt scotch whisky thread.

I have an idea. I've long been convinced that most everything is bullshit. One of the more glaring examples in the law of diminishing returns - in my personal subjective experience - is alcohol. Nothing except maybe automobiles plays more to the psychological and emotional aspects of our purchasing behaviors. The expensive whiskey I devour is good....but is it five times as good? I'm going to find out. I'm going to find some of this swill and see for myself.
Results pending.
I've done that with the general consumption of beer, I still try new flavors once and awhile and head to the beer fest type things, but give me Genessee at 40cents a can any day :loco:
I'm sure you can find my tales of Thunderbird somewhere on this board. It worked successfully as a bringer of pain to my innards with just a few sips.


The first time I drank scotch was a bottle of Cluny my friend stole from his dad (?). I didn't consume scotch for almost a decade after that. So awful.
I recently drank a bunch of well whiskey at a strip club because it was two bucks a shot and the best thing they had, Glen Livett 12 year was 12 motherfooking dollars a glass. I don't know what the name of it is.. But I would seriously quit drinking before having that shit again.