A new, sober, thread about single malt scotch whisky thread.

Haha, that's exactly why I stopped buying Doublewood. I adore that scotch, amazing at $35 a bottle. Now above $40 so I keep buying other things instead. I went through a cheap bottle of Dalmore 12 some years ago, I couldn't believe how good it was for around $25 a bottle. Apparently they also make $5,000 bottles of finely crafted swill. I'll never try one of those, much like I'll never actually drive a Bugatti. So, I would choose that or the Balvenie, given my predilection for those two distillers. The bottle of Aberlour I once had did not please me terribly so.
I haven't had the Laphroig Quarter Cask in a while. I think I am gonna pick up a bottle on Friday when I go up to my father's house. At $42/bottle, it is the absolute best value BAR FUCKING NONE.
Follow this thread because this month has the potential to be epic. I'm re-upping on my Elmer T Lee tomorrow, getting Laphroig QC on Friday, Balvenie Caribbean Cask for Xmas, and will have around $200-300 more to spend on Single Malt from my Xmas tips from my customers. :kickass:

I really don't need or want anything else besides music which I just buy anyways. I'm not gonna have any room at my bar.
Just checked my local liq store who usually has the best prices on everything around here but they had Laphroig QC for $63 v.s. $42 @ the Whisk(e)y emporium near my father's house. I love that place.
Well, I just scored my first $50 tip of the season today to add to my $50 I was gonna spend on the brown liquid tonight. Now I am left with more decisions.

I noticed they have Laphroaig 18yr for $77 which seems like a great price as well. Was gonna go with the Laph QC and a bottle of Eagle Rare but now am considering Laph 18yr and Eagle Rare or some other combination.
Tips must be nice. I bet I get a card or some shit from my company - one of the biggest health care corps in the world mind you. Maybe even a $10 gift card to wal mart
Ken what do you do for work these days? You've probably told me already but I drink too much and am also a bit self-centered.
I decided on a bottle of Laphraoig Quarter Cask and a bottle of Aberlour A'bunadh (Batch #42). There were only two Laph QC left so I grabbed the last one for my boss as well. Also, I happened to notice the had a case of Bourbon County Brand Stout just chilling on the shelf for $17/4pk!!! I just paid $25 last week and thought that was a good deal. So, I grabbed two of them as well. Best beer of all-fucking-time.
I am a Uniform "Service Sales Rep" @ Cintas.


I would drive the shit out of that truck....handbrake parallel parking, j turns, burnouts, jumps etc
Ah yes, that's right. My old roommate worked for Cintas for a long time. He climbed the corporate ladder, busted his ass and made a bunch of money, then opened a t-shirt shop. Now he works part time and primarily spends his working hours as Mr. Mom.