A question to the Borknagar Members

:lol: Pretty good winnings I'd say, hope it was well spent ;). The most I ever won at poker was 15 dollars... I don't even want to imagine how much I've lost.

(This is based on the assumption you got the money playing poker that is :p)
Ah, I see. :lol: Yeh, I know that feeling. I used to work at a store and they had fireworks on the holidays. I helped myself to two big packages of fireworks of different sizes, each worth 50 dollars. I thought there'd be so much and it would look cool then on graduation day when I used them.. it was over in like a minute. I was kinda bummed but I didn't pay for them so it wasn't as bad :p
I think I'm in love for this chick...which is a friend of mine.
But, she has a boyfriend :(
Do you guys think I should wait 'till they broke up? or should I try to kiss her now? What would a borknagar member do in my place? :)

Go for it.

A warning though: kiss her, but don't hook up until she dumps him. If you have sex with her while she's still with him, you'll just be the guy who wrecked her last relationship instead of the new boyfriend.


Edit: Whoops, noticed Dr. Asgeir already handled this one. Damn you, stealing my thunder!
I was playing poker the other night and I got destroyed :waah:
At one stage, I had a straight which I was almost certain was the best hand, then someone else had a straight Ace high and he didn't even know it!!
Split Pea with ham is deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelicious! Make some and send it to me, plz.

Better yet, I'll post some recipes sometime!

Here's the wonderful secret with soup - put a lot of stuff in a pot, add broth, and simmer the everliving crap out of it until the meat is as tender as you want it. A good split pea literally takes all day; I usually put it together in the early afternoon, and I consider it done around midnight.

And if you can afford nothing else, at least splurge and get good quality meat! It's not just market hype; 'free range' meat honestly cooks up and tastes better. I get mine from a local butcher in downtown Seattle, and at Whole Foods.

But next, I'm trying the Italian Wedding soup again. I last made it many years ago, and I've been craving it something fierce.

And this concludes today's episode of the Borknagar Cooking Segment, starring Naglfar and Qu Appelle.
gawd i dont want to do all that work

just freeze it and send it!

we have a fancy food store here too; in fact, at least in this area of san francisco even the burger joints use organic meat. ever since that episode of king of the hill where hank and his family discover organic meat and try to save the hippie farm i think the rest of america has discovered that happy animals taste better

instead i ate tater tots with homemade mayo-ketchup sauce. i dip everything in it