A question to the Borknagar Members

Serious Question:

Can we expect that official news in the coming weeks, or will it be longer (months)?

Not Serious:

Do you like the Guitar Hero games?
Not Serious:

Do you like the Guitar Hero games?
Even though this was a question obviously for Asgeir, I'm still going to give me opinion! :lol:

From a gaming point of view Guitar Hero is an excellent idea and basically generate big bucks with little to no work. All the songs don't take that long to write and the characters models aren't anything out of this world.
Also from a programming point of view, once they had the original guitar hero made it wouldn't be too hard to make, many, many, many ports of the game. If you take Guitar Hero II to Guitar Hero III, the only different is the UI and the slightly better character models.... which really isn't a lot of work to do.

From a musical point of view the game is bloody terrible, if anything the game in my opinion teaches people less about music. A lot, if not all of the songs are off beat or don't go to the rythem of the song. So when people learn if off by heart, they've techinally learnt something completely wrong. In some songs, you're playing bass lines, in other songs you're playing drum beats..... but wait this is Guitar Hero..... right?..

If you compair this game to something like Amplitude, then you'll realise how crap is it. Amplitude is a game made by the same company. It gets the player to play each section of the music, and trys to teach the user about all the different instruments, their sounds, when they're used and how they're used. And while it isn't like the real thing, it teacher the player a lot more than Guitar Hero ever would.

Sorry for such a long post! :lol:

^Dude, I agree about guitar hero in some respects but in the end it's just for fun :p Wasn't meant to be anything more than just a stupid but interesting thing to do in your spare time, wasn't supposed to be any sort of substitute for an actual guitar or an anything of that sort even though there are some out there that take it too seriously, but there are those types of people out there for any game. But I recently downloaded Frets on Fire, a freeware game that would suck if not for the fact you can plug in your Guitar Hero guitar to the PC and play along. Graphics aren't nearly as good but it serves the same purpose as Guitar Hero and the fact you can not only download every song from the GH games but you also now have access to hundreds of custom songs, and even make your own. I have actually made a pretty fun Gods of my World version.
^Dude, I agree about guitar hero in some respects but in the end it's just for fun :p Wasn't meant to be anything more than just a stupid but interesting thing to do in your spare time, wasn't supposed to be any sort of substitute for an actual guitar or an anything of that sort even though there are some out there that take it too seriously, but there are those types of people out there for any game. But I recently downloaded Frets on Fire, a freeware game that would suck if not for the fact you can plug in your Guitar Hero guitar to the PC and play along. Graphics aren't nearly as good but it serves the same purpose as Guitar Hero and the fact you can not only download every song from the GH games but you also now have access to hundreds of custom songs, and even make your own. I have actually made a pretty fun Gods of my World version.

Yeah I know, I was just pointing out that fact that it does make people musically retarded :lol:

I've played Frets on Fire, it's a lot harding since they give you less room for error. Some of the songs are insanely hard on it too!
The problem with allowing loads of people to make their own is that loads of them are wrong. God I remember playing Ryus theme song from Street Fighter, it was so horrible wrong it wasn't even funny.

At the moment I'm actually working on programming a game for a competition that uses the guitar from guitar hero. I dunno if I said it before but I'm studying Games Developement...
Well, now I know for sure you haven't met him, haha!
Oh you're so mean!

Do you like the Guitar Hero games?
Great party game, that's all really. But I think I had more fun watching and playing with real guitars during parties than Guitar Hero.
Hey we should get that new game 'Rock Band' and get Asgeir to be our drummer, the poor little fisherprice plastic things won't know what hit them.
I've done this question in the sear bliss forum, and now I'm going to ask you:

Let's suppose you're the only survivor on earth, (and your name is not Will Smith hehe) after a grim and bloody Nuclear War.

So, everyone is now dead. (Including Østein and Heartless_Name).

for your (un)happyness, you find 4 more survivors.

Now it's up to you the mission of Restock the Earth with humans, you've have to choose what's going to be your Eve.

Is she going to be COntestant:

Number One

Number Two

Number Three

Or Number Four


(Supposing she still has Periods)

Ps: You're in trouble, surrounded by them. And they REaLLY want to have a baby! You have no place to escape =P