A rift between CoB and Dream Theater?

Noble Viking

Aka Herman Li
May 16, 2005
Los Angeles, CA
Source: http://www.roadrunnerrecords.com/blabbermouth.net/news.aspx?mode=Article&newsitemID=37841

This was said in an interview with Dave Mustaine. I don't know who wrote those comments about Alexi in paranthesis there, but they're definitely not true! Take a look......

"For the most part, I don't have time to keep my ear to the ground to check all these new bands that are out there, so a lot of the groups that I've chosen have been something that I've recently discovered, or someone else will say, 'What do you think of these guys?' And I'll go listen to them and I'll sleep on it and a couple of days later check it out again and see what happens. There were a couple of groups that we wanted to get — one, in fact, that I thought was gonna be good for the tour [presumably referring to CHILDREN OF BODOM — Ed.], and it turns out there's a rift between them and another band on here [presumably referring to CHILDREN OF BODOM guitarist Alexi Laiho's comment in the April 2005 issue of Guitar World magazine: 'There are lots of guitar players out there who play super fast and super well — but they're also super lame. Like DREAM THEATER.' — Ed.], so unfortunately it didn't work out, because I just don't want any politics on what we're doing, I want it to be really fun for everybody."

Come on, we all know that's not the reason why Bodom wasn't chosen to be on Gigantour. Your opinions please.......
Laiho also dissed out Mike Portnoy. COB are little boys compared to DT. Granted, new DT sucks, but I'll bet my dick COB can't release anything as great as SFAM.
I still don't get why Alexi said that. Every band has they're style on stage, so ok, Bodom is Wild and DT doesn't even move, but does that make them lame? I mean come on there's got to be more to a guitar player to make them lame.

And that's not the reason anyways, because there's been festivals/tours where there have been two or more conflicting bands with no problems in the end. I can't think of many but take Megadeth - Metallica Woodstock '99.
Alexi should have kept his mouth shut. But since the interview was just typed, his real tone, or the way he said it might seem way different. Is it possible that he could have just been poking fun at the band just for laughs? Probably not but who knows.

Musicians should respect each other, like them or not. (unless they REALLY are fucking lame asses) Both bands have talent in different ways.
The media always edits everything...I'm sure Alexi intentionally didn't sound as harsh as the final print showed...but his point was that it's ok to put on a good show a mess up a little. Apparently he dosen't understand that Dream Theater are in their late 30s ,early 40s and can't run around on stage anymore like they did back in 92'. I mean, jazz musicians don't go all nuts either so what the hell? Just because dream theater are a metal band dosen't mean they have to go nuts on stage. But I understand what he means...and yeah it's a shame dream theater and children of bodom will probably never tour together. I mean, they're some of the only bands that do the whole keyboard/guitar interplay thing and still keep interesting because they write it well.
Who cares what the fuck Laiho says? It's his business. I think it's Mustaine who is the prick number one here. Fuckin lame drama queen. This guy should lock himself up in a monastery and stay away from public life. He sucks as man. What kind of metal god he thinks he is, cries in front of a man who fired you from a band, or bashes satanic bands for offending his religious feelings... For fucks sake Dave! Please Die!!!

Megadeth - Good Mourning/Black Friday said:
A blood thirsty demon who's stalking the street.
I hack up my victims like pieces of meat.
I lurk in the alleys, wait for the kill.
I have no remorse for the blood that I spill
A merciless butcher who lives underground.
I'm out to destroy you and ,I will, cut you down.

It's Black Friday, paint the devil on the wall

Someone who wrote that says he will not share stage with satanic band...
Dreadful said:
I mean, jazz musicians don't go all nuts either so what the hell?

Shows how much you know about jazz. I've seen lots of crazy jazz shit... on both video (the likes of eric dolphy) and live (courtney pine)
"Super Lame" -I've gotta say, sorry Allu, but that was not the best choice of words.;)
However, I do perfectly understand what he means: it's the typical Prog Problem. DreamTheater as well as other progressive-metal bands are really masters at playing their instruments, in fact they're almost perfect technically -BUT: They lack something. The catchy element in the music, the rock'n'roll element on stage. So the whole thing gets pretty boring after a while (and might even appear "soulless" at times).
Who gives a fuck... I slate bands all the time.. infact my band's motto slates a certain famous brittish band... (In the underground) Who gives a fuck?
Stop discussing it.
Lanterns said:
"Super Lame" -I've gotta say, sorry Allu, but that was not the best choice of words.;)
However, I do perfectly understand what he means: it's the typical Prog Problem. DreamTheater as well as other progressive-metal bands are really masters at playing their instruments, in fact they're almost perfect technically -BUT: They lack something. The catchy element in the music, the rock'n'roll element on stage. So the whole thing gets pretty boring after a while (and might even appear "soulless" at times).
when you know jack shit about music, pretty much, yeah :loco:
-Gavin- said:
Too late... They released Hatebreeder in 99.... Bitch.

:D You crack me up even saying that. Hatebreeder was a great album granted but COB are little girly men compared to Dream Theater and their music doesn't come close to DT in technique and style.
Prepares to bob and weave because I dare to post something positive about DT on a nintendo metal board.
Seriously though COB is a cool band so relax. :wave:
Definetely start out with "The Dance of Eternity"

This song is pure power! It's got Guitar solos, Bass solos, Keyboard solos and awesome drum beats! Plus there's so many rhythm changes that I still don't get how they wrote this.

This song will show you that these guys can play!

Dreadful said:
Apparently he dosen't understand that Dream Theater are in their late 30s ,early 40s and can't run around on stage anymore like they did back in 92'.

That is so not tr00. Think of Iron Maiden or SLAYER. So much energy, it's amazing, as old as those guys are.

Anyway, it's their choice. I'm glad their are so many different bands out there doing there own thing.
DT fans could whine about how Alexi fucks up almost every solo nowadays.

Alexi shouldn't have mentioned DT. Lame or not. But hey, nobody is perfect.