A shopping list for me, created by you

Portal - Seepia (avant garde death metal with Lovecraft themes. Profound Lore is re-releasing it for you yanks, so take this opportunity to give it a chance.)

Fullmoon - United Aryan Evil (has just been re-released on CD too, so I'd definitely recommend looking into that.)

Stargazer - The Scream That Tore The Sky (avant-garde death metal again. Very good stuff, with mystical themes)
Marksveld said:

One Inch Man said:
Faith No More - Angel Dust

J. said:
Carcass - Necroticism
Fleurety - Min Tid Skal Komme
Isis - Oceanic

The above are 'sold' just because I know them already, or have wanted them for a while:

dubloth said:
Ludicra - anything, they rule completely.

Oh yes. Took me a while, but their most recent album now all makes perfect sense. Still need to hunt down the debut.

matt99_crew said:
Armored Saint
Celtic Frost - Into the Pandemonium.

I've always refrained from getting AS, I don't know why. I'll check into it. And a big "YES" to CF. That gets added.

Also, I'm going to add Taake's "Nattestid" to the list too -- I already have a CD-R, but I should really own this one. It's not 10/10, but it's a must have, I agree.

@Opeth17 - listening to the Oathean, and it's much better than I remember, now that I'm focusing on it. Some of those melodies are right out of a manga flick. This is like Dissection ("Somberlain") meets Sigh, with a bunch of Korean folk. Warped and cool. :tickled:

Keep 'em comin'! :kickass:
I really think you would enjoy Armored Saint

Try to find that Liege Lord disc also, that was discussed in the Cult Metal thread ... you will go apeshit over that one.
I'm not sure what you've heard, but here's a little list anyhow:

Behemoth - Grom
Extremly cool black/folk album. It's pretty hard (for me) to point to the things that make it so good, but I'm leaning towards the song structure and riffs; it has some truly awsome turns and twists and Nergal's vocals are extremly cool. It also has a portion of out of tune female singing which could have been skipped, I think you've got the tolerance required to endure ;)

Koldbrann - Nekrotisk inkvisation
"Groovy" albeit raw black metal. This one also has a very nice overall song composition and riffs, and a full and warm productions that works surprisingly well.

Naglfar - Vittra Epic black/death metal, a classic (which I happen to have for trade/sell, since I ended up with two copies hehe)

Thyrfing - Vansinnesvisor Eric can probably give you a better description/ovation than I can, I'll just recomend it warmly in all its uniqueness :)
I was close to making the first post here actually but I'm too lazy to tell you why so let's just make it IT KICKS ASS on all the following:

Grand Belial's Key - Castrate the Redeemer

Carpathian Forest - Strange Old Brew

Sodom - In the Sign of Evil/Obsessed by Cruelty

Thargos - Killfukk
Weakling - Dead as Dreams

Probably not 10/10, but still some really solid black metal that reaches some epic hights. Vocals are very Burzum, but not the music. This album has some of the better black metal riffage released in later years.

Satyricon - The Shadowthrone

A horribly under appreciated album from a band who decided to suck not long after this was released. But this is their masterpiece, no doubt about it. It still has some of the folk/medieval influences that they've dropped in later years.

Weltmacht - And to Every Beast its Prey

This is black metal at its finest, and nothing more needs to be said. Features members from american black metal acts Judas Iscariot and Krieg. (But don't let that frighten you, this still rules!)

That's all I can think of for now. Let me know if you want samples, and I'll see if I can figure out that YouSendIt thing you guys like so much.
Iron Maiden - The Number Of The Beast
AC/DC - Back In Black
Rainbow - Rising
Deep Purple - Stormbringer
W.A.S.P. - The Crimson Idol

Besides the fact that The Number Of The Beast defines everything that is Metal, all these are essential simply because they're so consistantly brilliant from song to song and accessible without being tiresomely commercial. Consider how wonderfully emotional The Crimson Idol is too. Fantastic stuff.

Venturing to non-Metal, I'd say:

The Eagles - Hotel California
Derek & The Dominoes - Layla & Other Assorted Love Songs
Satyricon - Dark Medieval Times

When thinking about it, this is probably my favourite black metal release EVER. I've always said that I prefer "Vikingligr Veldi" and "De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas", but I've now come to the conclusion that "Dark Medieval Times" is actually even better. It's FANTASTIC. There is not a single weak moment to be found on this absolute GEM. It's the epitome of "grim, but still national romantic" Norwegian metal. Get it or perish in flames. 11/10.

Arcturus - Aspera Hiems Symfonia

Mandatory. Superb. Beautiful. Honest. Melodic. Almost as good as "Dark Medieval Times". Get the remastered 2 CD set (with the Constellation EP and My Angel EP) for the price of one CD.


Nile - Amongst The Catacombs Of Nephren-Ka

Razor-sharp riffs, double bass that creates sounds and beats not unlike those of a Howitzer gone wild, and Egyptian elements implemented in a GREAT way. Wonderful acoustic/trad-Egyptian interludes between the hyperblasting DM tracks. This could very well be your gateway into the brutal parts of death metal. The best Nile record by far.

Suffocation - Effigy Of The Forgotten

Groovy, yet rather technical. Brutal, but not overly so. 1991's "Effigy Of The Forgotten" spawned dozens of copycat bands, but none of these managed to touch the genius that is to be found on this album.

Gehenna - Seen Through The Veil Of Darkness (Second Spell)

A flawless piece of majestic art. The theme of an insane, evil medieval circus that is both frightening and beautiful at the very same time. This gives me goosebumps on every listen. Keyboard-driven, somber, mid-paced black metal from one of Norway's finest. A gateway into a parallel universe.
Crimson Velvet said:
Weltmacht - And to Every Beast its Prey
This is black metal at its finest, and nothing more needs to be said. Features members from american black metal acts Judas Iscariot and Krieg. (But don't let that frighten you, this still rules!)

I downloaded Burning Red in the Clouds just now, pretty cool stuff. Is that synth ambience present throughout the album?
Top 5 Albums List?

In no order....

1) Bergtatt
2) Stormblast
3) Dark Medieval Times
4) Odemarkens Son
5) Stormcrowfleet

On that subject, Jay, I really reccomend that you get Odemarkens Son. This is Vintersorg's second full-length and basically his last black/folk album. It is emotional, melodic and epic. It flows perfectly and there is NEVER a dull moment. Well, you've heard the Noltem demo- the only musical inspiration I have is Vintersorg (and to a very lesser degree Agalloch). That should give you the idea....
Crimson Velvet said:
Weakling - Dead as Dreams

Probably not 10/10, but still some really solid black metal that reaches some epic hights. Vocals are very Burzum, but not the music. This album has some of the better black metal riffage released in later years.

I want this album! :yell:
spaffe said:
Something about Gehenna being good enough but nothing more, and that our tastes in BM differ - (why did you edit this post? :p )

Yeah, I've got a feeling that you're more into the very primal and raw sorts of black metal (however without blasting and such), whereas I'm into both grandiose, epic, melodic black metal and stuff like 1349 and Tsjuder.