About the rep points...

I got bad rep in the counting thread also from some unknown shithead. I don't really care even If I say it out loud, I just despise those pathetic fuckers whose only amusement is to do this and lack the courage to give their name to it.
Btw, I gave bad reps a few times but always signed it.
stefan86 said:
Theres someone who gives bad rep to everyone in the counting thread, i got it too, unsigned of course.
Probably one of those penis-envy anti-offtopic activists :p

I got it, 3. But the fucker left the note: "where the fuck is slovenia?"
stefan86 said:
Too bad he didnt leave his name, you should have answered with a bad rep; "in europe - Jester"
That would have been so grim & necro :lol:

:lol: I would like to, but I don't know who's the fucker?!:yell:
hehe. probabily you're right. I'll do that tomorrow, I mean today, but first I must take a rest. Soo, good night all! :wave: