Really mediocre, overplayed hard rock band. Some incredible hooks, but they couldn't write their way out of a paper bag, and I think they're actually incapable of even contemplating a structure other than hook-verse-chorus-verse-chorus-solo-verse-chorus. A lot of their songs sound the same, but that wouldn't be a bad thing if their songs were good.
Plus while Bon Scott was a decent vocalist, Brian Johnson is so laughably bad that poor Scott must be rolling in his grave over his replacement.
I didnt like AC/DC back in the 70's 80's either and was in fact in a cover bar band and refused to play any. I was pompus and liked more "intellegent" music. But today I enjoy AC/DC for partying and its almost mandatory a bar band plays a few AC/DC songs if they want to get the crowd wound up, its just simple fun music that will get the girls out shaking their thing(s) everytime... and what could be more fun than that.
Well I thought a lame attempt at AC/DC criticism justified it.

Do those bands follow the same fucking formula EVERY SINGLE SONG? No. As WAIF said it, they all have the same "hook-verse-chorus-verse-chorus-solo-verse-chorus" song structure. Plus the riffs have little variation and the chorus is made up of repeating the name of the song 4 times. It's fucking boring. The bands I listen to have distinctive songs that don't follow any set formula and don't need to have a repetitive "hook" to carry a song.