Oh, and thanks a lot Bob! And Erkan, good to meet you dude, and you asked...
My name is Erkan
Hahaha! Damn you dude, you took the whole paranthesis... funny guy!

Dude you have a great voice, it would fit so well for narration and stuff! Have you tried singing btw? Could sound good there too.
Thanks for the trouble, now I know exactly what my name sounds like over there!
Sounds like a Star Trek alien or maybe an Uruk Hai.
Haha, thumbs up for that! I'm the alien refugee from Star Trek, who found his way to this forum and doing music and shit! That's totally awesome.
You say it like: Örkn (if it would be in swedish haha), in gothenburg...ish... you would say Ärrkann (IPA: ærkan)

Ah yeah, I figured it would be something like that, and Metaltastic kinda confirmed it in his super excellent awesome godlike voice clip. Cheers!
Erkan's a common Turkish name; there happened to be two Erkans in my Finance tutorial last year - one was a complete brainiac (and is possibly now in a grad position at one of the eeevil invesment banks) while the other only showed up to the first and very last tute.
Yeah that's correct, my parents are from Turkey, I'm born in Sweden so that makes me a ... omg I'm a Turk-Swede! ^^
And sorry for going totally off-topic with my name and shit, I feel like an attention whore now
Let's not dwell deeper into this!
Metaltastic, I think your tone was good man, and if you're up for reamping a whole song later, I can track 'em guitars down nice and tight and send 'em over to ya. I'm just kinda waiting on Morgoe's sis to do some vocals so I get a better picture of what it's gonna sound like... the guitars aren't 100% of the music after all (ouch, that's gotta sting some of you guitarists?

You also mentioned my digital guitar tone, and that it reminded you of some Bloodbath tone. Maybe I should make a clip and post with my current digital monitoring tone, and find out what more people think