Adagio thread


Jan 29, 2004
Uppsala, Sweden
Hello all!

Ive just ordered their cds. thier guitarist seems pretty good. whats your thoughts of them?

(if there are a similar thread, just link me there...)
Yeah.. the best band. One of the bests. Yeah the guitarist is terrible. Listen Chosen solos. fuck.. I want Underworld-cd, but CDON havent got that yet.
karelrulez said:
yeah I got Underworld, excellent album. Too bad Readman is no longer with them, curious 'bout the new singer though.

yeah i have in computer but i buy it when it comes. well yeah... i hope the new singer is good.. not maybe equally good than readman but allmost
Gus Monsanto, their new singer, is an excellent Readman replacement IMO.. Not only is he a great singer and is able to hit all of Readman'snotes, he's a fun guy to hang with and share an Orange Juice with! I can't wait to hear him on the next Adagio album
threeisten said:
Gus Monsanto, their new singer, is an excellent Readman replacement IMO.. Not only is he a great singer and is able to hit all of Readman'snotes, he's a fun guy to hang with and share an Orange Juice with! I can't wait to hear him on the next Adagio album

Gus does indeed rock hard. And he wears a mean traffic cone... :D
do they know when their next cd's gonna be released? i heard mid-next year, but that was when readman was still in. i mean they can take all the time they need and stuff, just wondering.
man how many adagio threads does this forum get :lol: ..

I think its established, yes we know Adagio, Matt the bastard got to hang out with them at progpower *cries coz I wish I could have gone too*, and I havent heard Gus sing yet, but he looks like metals answer to Ricky Martin (lets just hope he doesnt sound like him too ;) ). They are very nice guys, and I'm also particularly fond of their choice in women. Hmm what else, oh yes, awesome musicians, Stephan is a fantastic guitarist and songwriter. Shame to lose Readman but shit happens, and I'm really looking forward to seeing what Gus can do.

P.S. Theyre also actually alot better looking than what those promotional pics on their site gives them credit for.. Viva le Homme Francais!
p.s. stephan mentioned possibly releasing the next cd early 2005 (maybe January)

EDIT: But that was with David still in it, so with Gus, not sure. If I remember I will ask Franck next time I talk to him see if he knows.
SilentRealm said:
p.s. stephan mentioned possibly releasing the next cd early 2005 (maybe January)

EDIT: But that was with David still in it, so with Gus, not sure. If I remember I will ask Franck next time I talk to him see if he knows.

They have 4 songs recorded for it already and they are with gus.

P.S. I got to hang out wih them too :D
Man I got into Adagio when they first came out with Sanctus Ignis. Found out Stephan did some stuff with Vitalij Kuprij (who I run both his Solo and Artension website) and I said I got to talk to this guy. A few weeks after I bought Sanctus Ignis it became one of my all time favorites ever! I started talking to Stephan and next thing I know me and my friend Beth (who is a huge DR/PC69 fan and runs their fan site) were running the USA Fan Club for them We were very lucky to hang out with Adagio at Progpower (check out my pics with the boys and then some). Stephan is way cool, everyone in the band was awesome and Gus all I can say is that he will surprise everyone with the next album! The guy is an amazing singer, David might have the history behind and he is one hell of a singer but I am sure that Gus will open up a lot of ears!!! :)

Adagio will be recording once they finish the Progpower Europe and a few tour dates. From what I hear the album should be available in early 2005. They say it will be a lot more harder not as symphonic as before...however that does not mean that Kevins' keys will not be present just well placed! :)

Each musician is very accomplished in Adagio and I have to say that Kevin on Keys and Franck on bass can pretty much give anyone a run for their money in their respective instruments.

First there was Symphony X and now Adagio two bands that know how to fucken ROCK!!!! :headbang: :headbang:

Cheers, Tony
Great musicians (technically) but very few bands in this genre are adding much to what was being put out in the 80's....just better production. Adagio unfortunately fall into this catagory for me. If you have the SyX albums and all the pre-Vescara Malmsteen albums then what else do you need?
you guys know theres a WHOLE (unofficial) Adagio forum on UM, right?? theres like 3 or 4 ppl on it, though, including myself, and a few others from here:cool:. save some space on here, and check it out. just scroll ALL the way to the bottom of this page, and there should be a thing that says *Forum Jump*. click on that thing, then scroll ALL the way down (yes, there is some scrolling involved with this, but it wont kill you), and under where it says *Unofficial Forums* as a menu thing, there'll be a thing that says *Adagio*. click on that. If you click *AC/DC*, it better be an accident, or you dont deserve to be on the Adagio forum, anyway. :lol:
yeah i posted on that forum just once.. and adagio actually has their own personal forum on their site which i posted on once (thats how stephan contacted me to begin with), but I'm comfy here at the Symphony X forum. I feel insecure venturing out of this territory into the unknown.