I'd still definitely like to try this game. I thought more about it after I posted and I guess the only Mario adventure/platformer I haven't enjoyed is Mario Sunshine. The gameplay itself wasn't bad, but the water thing got annoying and I absolutely hated the setting of the game. Still had some fun stuff, but overall... just didn't have a lot of fun playing it.

The New SMB for DS is really, really fun though.

I saw a few videos and pictures for Mario Sunshine and I definitely know what you mean. The overall setting and atmosphere didn't seem the same at all. I wasn't impressed. Mario Galaxy is a return to Mario 64 in a lot of ways. There are even moments throughout the game that are 2D-styled, which I found pretty awesome.
I love FPS games, but I really just stick to Halo for that type of game. It's very competative and popular on XBOX Live. I like a good fighting game, but the button-mashing has to be limited/eliminated completely for me to really enjoy it.

Hey, Zach, as I've said on these forums before, Mario Galaxy is a fantastic game. Some of the most creative gameplay I've ever seen, which is expected from Nintendo/Mario. I just beat Mario 3 with my g/f over the weekend. Huge nostalgia trip. We also played a lot of Super Mario World, and a bit of Mario 2. Such fun stuff.

I've never played RE4, but it looked like a really good game. Maybe I'll purchase RE5 for 360.

Button mashing usually doesn't ruin fighting games really. A good example would be with the Soulcalibur series of fighting games. That game is set up to where if someone who doesn't really understand the deeper mechanics of the game just mashes buttons, he/she will still be able to "accidentally" pull off some fancy looking moves; therefore, people like this will purchase the game because they don't feel so punished for not being really good. On the other hand, if someone like this tries to play against someone who knows what they are doing they will still get their arses handed to them. Just because moves are easy to pull off doesn't mean that the person knows the best times to use them, what moves are better than others, the timing to pull them off, or the recovery time that they are open to their opponent after executing each move, etc....

Basically, knowing certain moves does not equal being good in the least in most fighting games.
Tekken series (as amazing as it is) is the opposite side of the spectrum though. Button mashing gives you some basic equality in the match, and knowing the moves will give you a definite edge, but it's still a battle.

I can't tell you how many times i've been high, drunk, and not even looking at the tv (this is not a joke), been laying on my back almost passed out and STILL dominated everyone at tekken. But that's only because they weren't asian.
Tekken series (as amazing as it is) is the opposite side of the spectrum though. Button mashing gives you some basic equality in the match, and knowing the moves will give you a definite edge, but it's still a battle.

I can't tell you how many times i've been high, drunk, and not even looking at the tv (this is not a joke), been laying on my back almost passed out and STILL dominated everyone at tekken. But that's only because they weren't asian.

I don't really like Tekken so I can't say too much about it; however, I would bet that those guys you played while drunk were not very good Tekken players either. I remember Tekken having some sort of parry system. Basically, if someone really knows the mechanics of the game they are just going to do even better against button mashers because they will not have to guess when to execute a parry. After parrying your opponent will be left wide open for you to execute a high damage combo. Soulcalibur has guard deflects instead which basically does the same thing if you can guess if your opponent is going to attack high, mid, or low.

Soulcaliber is really the only 3D fighting game series I like a good bit as I really stick with 2D. If you really want to play a fighting game that button masher will never win play a 2D fighter definately.
Nah, the dude i played while wasted is very fuckin' good at tekken. Not like Asian good, but still he and I are at about half and half. The thing is, there's a pattern with tekken that, once you get in the zone, you get in the ZONE. Certain substances can get you to that point, regardless of if you know it/are paying attention ornot.
Yeah, I seem to remember Tekken playing like that...which is a big reason why I never really liked it. The move chains in it were ridiculous, and since the damage in it is so heavy it takes almost no effort to off your opponent with a half decent chain.
Nah man, it's more technical than that, but still very simplistic.

Think of Tekken as one big Rock Paper Scissors fest. You got your Highs ( rock ), mids ( paper ) and your lows ( scissors ). If you use a chain then you're going to do a sequence such as, rock rock rock rock paper paper scissors scissors rock.

Okay, lets say you block the 4 rocks, and you know that the paper is coming, so you throw out a scissors. If you block all the rock attacks you will have enough time to get that scissors out before they get their paper out. 100% guaranteed you will get out of it, this is almost universal with all characters, if you learn someone's chain or what they are going to do next, you can always counter attack.

You can also parry out of it or counter it. There are slight exceptions though, like when you get hit by an attack that stuns you.

The most annoying thing about Tekken is the abuse of "juggles" or when you get hit into the air and someone can continuously hit you for 5+ hits and you can't do a thing about it.

Tekken is my best game and I was #2 for 3 weeks in weekly rankings online (which does not mean a thing online lol), but my favorite game is Virtua Fighter which is very different from Tekken.
the rock paper scissors analogy works literally in Star Ocean 3. That's why I got bored with the game... to a degree. It's only fun when there are a lot of enemies.
the rock paper scissors analogy works literally in Star Ocean 3. That's why I got bored with the game... to a degree. It's only fun when there are a lot of enemies.

Maria was too good in that game. At first she didn't seem too good since her gunshots took so much MP that she would run out after a few shots, but later once you leveled her MP up she could obliterate almost anything in a couple shots. She also had really nice close range moves too which made her great all around.
just about everyone sucked in my opinion except Cliff and the other chick. With his absurd long range attacks of area damage, and her MP killing waves, nothing lasted more than 10 seconds. Fayt was decent given the right long range/short range combos and triple damage.
just about everyone sucked in my opinion except Cliff and the other chick. With his absurd long range attacks of area damage, and her MP killing waves, nothing lasted more than 10 seconds. Fayt was decent given the right long range/short range combos and triple damage.

I forget the name of it because it has been so long since I played the game, but it was like Maria's basic range shot attack. All you had to do was use it and use it again before the first one finished and she would do this ability called "Aiming Device". At first it had costed a ton of MP to use; however, it was so stupidly powerful it wasn't even funny. Later once you build her MP I built her MP up a good bit I could sit in the back all day picking off each enemy one by one......"Aiming Device...Aiming Device....Aiming Device". To boot she had some pretty damn good melee attacks too.

Cliff was awesome too with his "Fists of Fury" move.
hammer of might plus
a weapon with

is pretty much instant kill anything. troublesome high hp enemies were killed by the red haired girl's (nel, i just looked it up) mp damage waves instead.

I really thought, despite how simple the game mechanics were, it worked really well (never mind that the story turned to shit about 60% through) and if they continued to develop it, it could be amazing.
hammer of might plus
a weapon with

is pretty much instant kill anything. troublesome high hp enemies were killed by the red haired girl's (nel, i just looked it up) mp damage waves instead.

I really thought, despite how simple the game mechanics were, it worked really well (never mind that the story turned to shit about 60% through) and if they continued to develop it, it could be amazing.

Yeah, I meant to mention the screwed storyline. Not only is the whole "our world is not true reality" idea totally played out, but doing the "4th Dimension" thing ruined the whole Star Ocean universe that had been built upon since the first game. It is like if George Lucas decided to make a new Star Wars movie and then near the end of it decide to unveil that the SW's universe is nothing more than a simulator built in a truer reality. I don't know what they are going to do for Star Ocen 4. Either they will somehow build upon thier whole stupid 4th Dimension idea (I really hope not), or they will have to start from scratch (I hope).

One thing I hated about Star Ocean 3 that I forgot to mention was the stupid weapon upgrading. Basically you just HAD to figure out that you needed that one particular stone (I forget the name of it) to overly improve your weapons. Once you did you were so strong the game was ridiculously easy; however, if you didn't upgrade your weapons I heard the game was overly difficult. I remember fighting that huge dragon guy and hearing that he was the toughest boss fight thus far in the game, yet it was right after I powered up my weapons for the first time and I killed it both rounds in like a few seconds. It was sad really...
I'm sure it's just an exclusive release bullshit thing. Same thing happened with RE4... i think it took like a year for it to come out on GC. I would bet that you get a wii release eventually. And it'll be better.

Plus, i'm sure that it takes more time to add proper aiming with the wiimote, so that must cause a delay to an extent.

Actually it was first on GC.

Re4 is great game. Can't wait for the Fifth.
Mass Effect for the PC is the best RPG I've played in a looooong long time.

Edit: I'm kind of assuming this is like the official games thread.