Agalloch: Ashes Against the Grain - Just pre-ordered it at THE END!

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Yeah, During the majority of the songs agalloch have on the mantle(even tho i like it) and on AATG, I find myself eagerly awaiting that 'defining' moment of a song/album and it never hits. I cant figure out why. Its personal taste rather than fact.

edit: I guess its because it has that post-rock sort of feel. Agalloch just stick to theme in which they originally started, which is fine. I just dont favour it.
Agalloch is overhyped on this forum due to the obligatory and loosely related "forest metal" comparisons that everyone seems to have a hard-on for. Its plenty ok to call the Beatles overrated on here, but god forbid someone says how mediocre Agalloch actually are. Fucking children.
the mantle does drag on too much without really getting anywhere for the most part. pale folklore (at least the first three songs on it) was better in that respect. i haven't heard the new album enough, but it doesn't appear to make the same mistakes that made doze off when listening to the mantle. well, i guess i will be able really judge that when i listen to the whole thing. bloodbirds and falling snow look to be good tracks on a first listen.
affinityband said:
Yeah, During the majority of the songs agalloch have on the mantle(even tho i like it) and on AATG, I find myself eagerly awaiting that 'defining' moment of a song/album and it never hits. I cant figure out why. Its personal taste rather than fact.

edit: I guess its because it has that post-rock sort of feel. Agalloch just stick to theme in which they originally started, which is fine. I just dont favour it.

Cool. And yes, Agalloch definitely has a post-rock vibe to it.
They put a few more copies of the special edition on the mail order if you didn't happen to get one before they sold out.
metal_wrath said:
IMO this release might be considered groundbreaking, they have really created something new with their sound. And I have heard all their olderr stuff

100% agree.

And Agalloch is ANYTHING but boring or repetitive. It's soothing, deep and just plain out atmospheric. The music has feeling to it and this creates a more lasting impression to me than some easy, catchy riff that sticks in your head. Hey, not that that's a bad thing - Katatonia and Dredg are masters at this, but sometimes it's nice to be just lost in a song. It just depends what you're in the mood for i guess.
NFU, you astound me most of the time, for I must admit you do have almost an impeccable taste in music. Ulver, as stated by J. Haugm, has been an influence on Agalloch. To classify them as "average" folk-metal is utterly ridiculous. Frankly, I'm surprised at your musical ignorance of Agalloch.
ironbeard said:
NFU, you astound me most of the time, for I must admit you do have almost an impeccable taste in music. Ulver, as stated by J. Haugm, has been an influence on Agalloch. To classify them as "average" folk-metal is utterly ridiculous. Frankly, I'm surprised at your musical ignorance of Agalloch.

im not ignorant to agalloch, in fact...i purchased pale folklore the week it was released based on recommendation by a friend of mine AND the band...and have followed the band with casual interest ever since. i own every release including the stone, wind and pillor EP, and am frankly WELL aware that Ulver have influenced them. what you fail to realize is that Ulver has influenced many bands...many of which are awful...and many of which are pretty good. Agalloch is by no means an amazing band. theyre competent musicians, with average scope, vision and "progression" from an album to album basis. given this (what i find to be FACTS), thats not the criteria for a band to fit the hype that they receive around here. as ive said before, and will continue to say until you people get a bit more educated and refined, is that the ONLY reason agalloch does SO well in these parts is obviously the demographic of this forum has an eternal hard on for simply dreary "forest" metal...which agalloch seem to be the flagbearers of (much to their dismay im sure). I beleive their newest album is the most advanced and impressive of their career, but certainly nothing that knocks my socks off. my "impeccable" taste as you put it is not hindered, questioned or jeopardized by the preceeding statement or by your over-infatuation with said band.
ironbeard said:
NFU, you astound me most of the time, for I must admit you do have almost an impeccable taste in music. Ulver, as stated by J. Haugm, has been an influence on Agalloch. To classify them as "average" folk-metal is utterly ridiculous. Frankly, I'm surprised at your musical ignorance of Agalloch.

i'm an agalloch fan but i can't stand this kind of comments, NFU has his very solid opinion about Agalloch so i don't see how he could be "ignorant" about Agalloch, people you gotta learn to deal with criticism just because they are your favorite band or whatever that doesn't make them perfect at all, does the fact that NFU call them "average" it's going to change your thoughts on the band? if you are a real fan NO, so why bother to post something as lame as your post above? and NFU said in a few posts back something that just reflects the whole state of the forum "Its plenty ok to call the Beatles overrated on here, but god forbid someone says how mediocre Agalloch actually are" i agree (well not so much on the mediocre part hehe) you guys need to use your brain once in a while. i like Agalloch but i don't see them as the greatest metal band of the US or the new revelation of Metal nowadays, they are just a good band, as many others
DietCoke said:
lolz. nfu determines what is educated and refined.

on a forum whos majority:

-thinks mikael akerfeldt is "jesus christ.
-thinks the beatles are for old people who dont think for themselves.
-says agalloch is a great band.
-hasnt even heard of billie holiday.
-thinks a great drummer is that fat idiot from Nile.
-can count on two hands how many albums of any genre besides metal theyve heard.
-would take any time out of their short lives to listen to woods of ypres.
-thinks orphaned land is progressive anything.
-lists dan swano and peter tagtren in their top vocalists
-dont even know who david coverdale or dave byron are
-continues to call me "ignorant" of all things...

then yes...i can make those calls.
Then keep on making 'em. Though, you should start a Non-profit Organisation to teach the musically ignorant. Do some good for them rather than continuously telling them they're dolts.
DietCoke said:
Then keep on making 'em. Though, you should start a Non-profit Organisation to teach the musically ignorant. Do some good for them rather than continuously telling them they're dolts.

nobody reads between the lines. they focus on the word "idiot" rather than what im usually getting across. i do plenty of pro-active suggestions and thoughts on here, some people have bothered to pay attention, some have not. im not going to spend anymore effort than i have trying to "preach" to people...i simply dont care enough to hold anyones hand.
NineFeetUnderground said:
on a forum whos majority:

-thinks mikael akerfeldt is "jesus christ.
-thinks the beatles are for old people who dont think for themselves.
-says agalloch is a great band.
-hasnt even heard of billie holiday.
-thinks a great drummer is that fat idiot from Nile.
-can count on two hands how many albums of any genre besides metal theyve heard.
-would take any time out of their short lives to listen to woods of ypres.
-thinks orphaned land is progressive anything.
-lists dan swano and peter tagtren in their top vocalists
-dont even know who david coverdale or dave byron are
-continues to call me "ignorant" of all things...

then yes...i can make those calls.

tbh swano is an amazing vocalist imo
i purchased pale folklore the week it was released based on recommendation by a friend of mine AND the band
The band recommended themselves too you?
:shrugs: must be a myspace thing er somethin...
Braighs said:
The band recommended themselves too you?
:shrugs: must be a myspace thing er somethin...

myspace wasnt even around at the time. but i dont boast about most of my contacts, privacy is important, nor is it a weapon of ego. but if you knew half of them, youd shit out your heart.
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