Agalloch: Ashes Against the Grain - Just pre-ordered it at THE END!

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Well, Well, Well, with all due respect NFU, Again I re-iterate you have impeccable musical taste. Your point above was well taken. But, I am not like the other SHEEP on this forum who hold your opinions in such high regard. To say my "over infatuation" with Agalloch, just proves you know nothing about me or my tastes and/or abilities, and I'm sure you don't give a rats ass. And you refer to the "fucking children" on this forum, I have children older than you and have forgotten more than you have ever seen or done. But, I must say that at your young age, you certainly are impressive(definitely impressed with yourself) Now, as you have so eloquently stated "you have nothing to prove to anyone here" and I concur for I don't have to prove anything to you or anyone else. I am curious; are you as well-versed in musical theory, song writing, song structure and playing an instrument as you are in your opinions. of such. I knew of Billie Holliday and Ella Fitzgerald when you were crawling around on your floor shitting green in your diaper. you strike me as a person who claims to know everything about everything. By the way, in your picture you are holding a guitar. Can you play, or is it a prop. I know you don't care what I think, nor do I care what you think. All the NFU's SHEEP on this forum, well, let's just say I'm ready for the venemous flames to start. However, I think NFU is more than capable of a response, if he is willing to entertain the idea. AS you grow older and hopefully wiser NFU, you may realize that it is more important to be kind than to always be right. Stop insulting people, because you percieve them not as intelligient as you. It has and will always amaze me what crawls out of the internet wilderness. I would post a picture of myself, but my computer is antiquated and will not upload. And I know no one here gives a fuck!!
NineFeetUnderground said:
on a forum whos majority:

-thinks mikael akerfeldt is "jesus christ.
-thinks the beatles are for old people who dont think for themselves.
-says agalloch is a great band.
-hasnt even heard of billie holiday.
-thinks a great drummer is that fat idiot from Nile.
-can count on two hands how many albums of any genre besides metal theyve heard.
-would take any time out of their short lives to listen to woods of ypres.
-thinks orphaned land is progressive anything.
-lists dan swano and peter tagtren in their top vocalists
-dont even know who david coverdale or dave byron are
-continues to call me "ignorant" of all things...

then yes...i can make those calls.

Well, i just can't understand why metal fans are obliged to know about Billie Holiday, since this forum is populated by rock/metal fans...i don't know that much about Billie, does it make me a cretin or something?
where abouts pittsburgh are you from ironbeard? i'm in the mckeesport area
ironbeard said:
Well, Well, Well, with all due respect NFU, Again I re-iterate you have impeccable musical taste. Your point above was well taken. But, I am not like the other SHEEP on this forum who hold your opinions in such high regard. To say my "over infatuation" with Agalloch, just proves you know nothing about me or my tastes and/or abilities, and I'm sure you don't give a rats ass. And you refer to the "fucking children" on this forum, I have children older than you and have forgotten more than you have ever seen or done. But, I must say that at your young age, you certainly are impressive(definitely impressed with yourself) Now, as you have so eloquently stated "you have nothing to prove to anyone here" and I concur for I don't have to prove anything to you or anyone else. I am curious; are you as well-versed in musical theory, song writing, song structure and playing an instrument as you are in your opinions. of such. I knew of Billie Holliday and Ella Fitzgerald when you were crawling around on your floor shitting green in your diaper. you strike me as a person who claims to know everything about everything. By the way, in your picture you are holding a guitar. Can you play, or is it a prop. I know you don't care what I think, nor do I care what you think. All the NFU's SHEEP on this forum, well, let's just say I'm ready for the venemous flames to start. However, I think NFU is more than capable of a response, if he is willing to entertain the idea. AS you grow older and hopefully wiser NFU, you may realize that it is more important to be kind than to always be right. Stop insulting people, because you percieve them not as intelligient as you. It has and will always amaze me what crawls out of the internet wilderness. I would post a picture of myself, but my computer is antiquated and will not upload. And I know no one here gives a fuck!!

You think your childrens acomplishments pale that of mine? Now whos being presumptuous. You know nothing about me, my past or my life, and you are actually completely making an ass out of yourself right now by assuming you do. Id suggest you cork that downward spiraling inferno you almost mistook. That notion has very little to do with anything though, now doesnt it? You were the first to assume i was "ignorant" to agalloch, i was merely stating i wasnt. My saying of your "over infatuation" with them was based purely because of your need to impose how wonderful they were to me without any real reasoning besides your liking of the band, which i was glad to contest in what i felt was an appropriate way. This conversation has nothing to do with "intelligence" or other people however...yet for some reason you felt the obviously VERY "mature" response but to drag a bunch of innocent forum goers into this, and also call them sheep on top of it. If you had bothered to pay ANY attention here, youd realize very few people here like me OR follow me when it comes down to it, so what youre getting that there is nonsense. I think you assume my strength lies in the affirmation of others following does not, as i think i have shown quite vividly over the years here, so your motives for that argument can now be extinguished. As for Ella And Billie...thats fantastic that you knew of them before i was born...but how does the fact that my knowledge of bands or artists from YOUR era and time outstretches your own? I cant prove it, but id bet just about anything on it. We can go back and forth on THAT concept all day, thats really up to you. As for my guitar...yes...i can play it, I hope the gravity of that miracle doesnt knock you unconcious tough guy. Is there anything else i havent addressed? Oh yea...since youre so much older, sophisticated, "kind" (as you put it) and mature than me obviously...its good to see you wouldnt have kicked open the door of an immature and rather childish shit slinging fest like this without any real motive...oh wait a did. Maybe i can grow up to be just like you one day. Or apparently, ive already reached that...with decades to spare.
I just listened to the album today. You can pick out influences quite easily and god their drummer is weak, but overall i like it. Probably not as much as the Mantle, but time will tell.
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