Agalloch: Ashes Against the Grain - Just pre-ordered it at THE END!

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affinityband said:
just because the guy got pissed off due to the fact that a 23 year old is telling him where to go. Id be pissed off if i was that age.

I know what you mean, but Ironbeard started with all the personal insults and shit, it is not always that older people are right imo.
NineFeetUnderground said:
that rant is entirely why i brought up the wheel-chair thing, im sure you feel the world owes you something due to your irrational and frankly ludicrous behavior...and i have a huge bullseye on my forehead as to why life fucked you over and why some have it good right? and you DID say that your children have forgotten more than ive ever seen or done. just to refresh your memory.

but name calling and insulting everyone on here at once with no real basis isnt any way to get something accomplished here. pack your bags man, its tired. ive never even spoken to you before on here, but all of a sudden you are going ballistic on me like you caught me in bed with your wife. over a fucking band like agalloch...get a grip pal.
The wheel-chair thing is what pisses me off. Your reason for bringing it up is bullshit. You know nothing about me and my attitude towards the world because of my work-related disability, and as far as the world owing me anything, I learned that it doesn't before you even were born. So that point is mute. Secondly, God forbid, and I mean this sincerely that you would end up in a chair. It can happen in a split-second. But, you are truly one presumptious tampon-head. You made that statement as to incur my angry response and then to glean YOUR reasons why. Pathetic. I meant that I, me have forgotten more than you have ever seen or done. Not my children, that was a run-on sentence. Once again, NFU you miss the point. this started out as a disaggrement about Agalloch and turned into a train wreck because of your wheel-chair statement. You demean,not just me, but others on this forum. I've been reading posts on here for a while, and when you disaggree with someone you verbally chop them up. For that, Fuck You!! I could go on, but this is really a waste of my time. But, I can't resist: I have known a lot of Rock, Jazz and Blues professional musicians in my time, so I have learned musically, as well myself being a pianist. You sound as if you certainly know musicians from a previous post. And if you comprehended my posts I alluded respect to your knowledge. You seem to me like a failed musician, who quite never made it. For all musicians I know who post on music forums and discuss music, don't have the arrogance that you display. There is just no need for it. By the way, I showed my wife your comment about her. And I showed her your picture. Honestly, man she fuckin' laughed and said "Is that dirt on his face or what" I said, I think he's trying to grow a beard. She left the room, laughing telling me to stop wasting my time with a little kid. So, on that note I will fade into the internet woods, far,far away from mainstream Opeth land. I know that there are some people on here who have helped me with the music of Opeth and Metal in general. Thanks. Going, Going, Going......................Fuck you, NFU(tampon head) gone..........................
I can see why Ironbeard is hacked off, I really can. But NFU is one of those people... it's hard to win an argument against somebody like NFU, because he has much better temper control than the average person. Combine that with an acute ability to tear into people, and you have the type of person with whom you DON'T want to get into an argument, because even if they don't pwn you... you'll end up pwning yourself before too long.

You can have all the great arguments in the world, but if you lose your temper before the other guy... you're going to make an ass of yourself first. Ironbeard (probably understandably... sorta) lost his temper. And the second that happened, his posts became less impressive. Seriously, Ironbeard, dude... don't let NFU wind you up. It's not worth it man. You're both knowledgable, intelligent guys. Let's not get personal here. What began here as an interesting discussion is becoming... uncomfortable. :erk:

*EDIT* Written before I saw Ironbeards retort above.
Also, I will say... NFU's comment about Ironbeard being in a chair is too far. you just don't bring that into it, man... it's just not on.

Actually... making fun of a guy for being in a chair is so unbelievably lame, I can officially state that I believe NFU has actually pwned himself. Finally! So Ironbeard, take heart in that :p

Now let's all calm down, shall we?

ironbeard said:
Once again, NFU you miss the point. this started out as a disaggrement about Agalloch and turned into a train wreck because of your wheel-chair statement. You demean,not just me, but others on this forum. I've been reading posts on here for a while, and when you disaggree with someone you verbally chop them up.
look, you're annoying me, seriously, I don't think I've ever seen NFU "verbally chop someone up" for no reason... it usually starts with someone not being able to handle what he says and attacking him first... just like you did... I mean re-read this fucking thread for christ's sake... re-read your posts towards him before he said shit to you, what did NFU say that was so out of line before you started going ape shit on him? nothing, you started it all, you started with the personal attacks

you called him ignorant, he gave a rebuttal that was completley about his stance on Agalloch and said nothing insulting towards you, then you respond calling the whole forum sheep and getting personal and off-topic

so please wheel your ass out of here if you can't even finish shit you start without crying when he says something personal back, use your fucking head old man, think twice before opening your mouth

p.s. I came up with better insults than "tampon head" in 3rd grade
Liquid Diamonds, cooler heads have prevailed. Your right, this is a music forum, not a place for personal attacks. And for that I am sorry to the forum members. Peace
House of Seance said:
look, you're annoying me, seriously, I don't think I've ever seen NFU "verbally chop someone up" for no reason... it usually starts with someone not being able to handle what he says and attacking him first... just like you did... I mean re-read this fucking thread for christ's sake... re-read your posts towards him before he said shit to you, what did NFU say that was so out of line before you started going ape shit on him? nothing, you started it all, you started with the personal attacks

you called him ignorant, he gave a rebuttal that was completley about his stance on Agalloch and said nothing insulting towards you, then you respond calling the whole forum sheep and getting personal and off-topic

so please wheel your ass out of here if you can't even finish shit you start without crying when he says something personal back, use your fucking head old man, think twice before opening your mouth

p.s. I came up with better insults than "tampon head" in 3rd grade

i think its all been said right here.

but for the record i truly didnt bring up the wheelchair thing as any sort of insult or otherwise. my uncle is in a wheelchair actually, i spent a good deal of time taking care of him in the past as well...which is more information than anyone here needs to know, but i think it has to be known that im not some sort of dissability insulting hate monger with no sympathy. i brought it up because i know how easy someone can lose their temper and get angry at people who take their good health for granted, which is why i figured it would be best not to fight.

but apparently this guy REALLY wants to kick some shit around, but i just dont see the point. were no longer talking about bands...hes made this a completely personal shit slinging contest and frankly im not that interested. this guy has gone as far as to personally attack and insult every possible avenue of my lifestyle which he knows nothing about, as well as call everyone else here on the forum names and assume much about them as well. i dont think ive ever seen such uncontrolled and unecessary anger on this forum before...and ive been here quite a few years. its astounding.

edit: wtf...when did i ever comment about his wife? good god, does this guy have no tact whatsoever? what a sad, sad man. unbeleivable.
First off, I DO NOt worship any band, but I do admire and respect musicians. Yes, SadGuru, I have ordered the wood-box edition of AATG from The End. My personal favorite is Pale Folklore, but all of their material is excellent.
First off, I DO NOt worship any band, but I do admire and respect musicians. Yes, SadGuru, I have ordered the wood-box edition of AATG from The End. My personal favorite is Pale Folklore, but all of their material is excellent.
There is nothing worse than people that get personal on the internet, seriously, i remember that a lot of idiots called me ''heartless'' once because i insulted the dead father of a troll girl, but people ignored the fact that she edited my posts making it up and called me a fag and shit...i think that if you say something stupid or personal/fake to another person, prepare to be annihilated and keep the sense of humor, because if you don' are going to look like an idiot...
btw just out of curiosity, what are your academic achievments NFU? I mean your educational qualifications? Forget your knowledge of music, i hardly think thats going to get you anywhere in life (unless you're a proffessional musician, and we all know how difficult it is to succeed in such a career); you're 23,, old enough to have graduated from university and earned a decent degree, so have you? Lets focus on the REAL world here for just a minute, as opposed to this fantasy opeth forum world.
A. Iverson said:
btw just out of curiosity, what are your academic achievments NFU? I mean your educational qualifications? Forget your knowledge of music, i hardly think thats going to get you anywhere in life (unless you're a proffessional musician, and we all know how difficult it is to succeed in such a career); you're 23,, old enough to have graduated from university and earned a decent degree, so have you? Lets focus on the REAL world here for just a minute, as opposed to this fantasy opeth forum world.

you want me to post my personal life all over this forum right now for your gratification? I dont think so...least of all, not for you. But rest assured, im qualified and educated.
ironbeard said:
First off, I DO NOt worship any band, but I do admire and respect musicians. Yes, SadGuru, I have ordered the wood-box edition of AATG from The End. My personal favorite is Pale Folklore, but all of their material is excellent.

Yes, I like them a lot. I recently purchased the Agalloch/Nest 10'' and God, the artwork alone is worth the price. The two songs are amazing as well.
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