Agalloch fans might be interested...

That's the thing - IMHO, new album, with exception of few places here and there, does different thing than what previous ones were doing.

partly, but when there's obvious throwbacks to their earlier styles i keep thinking "gee, this is like that old song, only less interesting"

every album has been different but this is not really clicking. plus it feels sloppily put together, which i realize can be overcome but it does nothing to help the overall impression
partly, but when there's obvious throwbacks to their earlier styles i keep thinking "gee, this is like that old song, only less interesting"
damn, now you caused me a sudden urge to listen to This Old Cabin right now :kickass:

every album has been different but this is not really clicking. plus it feels sloppily put together, which i realize can be overcome but it does nothing to help the overall impression

I can't say if I feel the same, but I would put songs in different order, maybe... "Black Lake Nidstång" reminds me in many ways Pink Floyd's "Echoes" track from "Meddle", and just like that song, it would, IMHO, better work as a last track of the album. "To Drawn" is ok for a while, and is, probably, better than the track that closed Ashes, but, again IMHO, not the ideal choice to close the album. Had it been shorter by half (ending just before the noise section, around 5th minute) and been put after Into the Painted Grey, it would make more sense to me.

They Escaped...
Into the Painted....
To Drown, cut in half....
Watcher's Monolith
Black Lake....

yeah, that would do it for me....
now i love this album :)

see this is the frustrating part

EDIT: here's another thing: the cymbals/overheads/hi-hats are mixed WAY TOO LOW. they're nearly inaudible sometimes when they guy's blasting, while the snare is all up in yo face
if nothing else the artwork is extremely beautiful. I'll try to let it grow on me. It hasn't yet reached the kind of legal precedent set by Black Cascade that makes me feel that an album is lacking and/or weaker than its forebears, yet thoroughly great and enjoyable in its own right.
I'm starting to absorb this, file it in the top shelf pile of '10! I absolutely love Black Lake Nidstang and the death/doom vocals that coincide with it. They remind me of Necare for some reason. I'll have to go revisit Ruin at some point to see if that statement is justified.
I'm loving the intro. The muted austerity of it. It's rather unexpected and totally Agalloch at the same time. It's a great dive into the bleak cold season.

My final opinion of the album is that it feels right, in spite of (but maybe thanks to) the lack of true moment of bliss.
Still getting absolutely zero desire to return to this album, just like their last one. I'm hoping this one will come to surprise me. It does seem to have more of the qualities of Agalloch that I love, it just hasn't made the leap from the league of paint-by-numbers attempt to replicate former glories to that of true greatness and expression.
I haven't listened to it much yet, but I think I place it in the lower tier of Agalloch work (which is still higher tier than most bands). I think, when compared with their other releases, this one just falls short. More listens are definitely in order though.
i can't think of any band that consistently upped the ante in their catalog.

it's ok if tM was their peak ...

i am waiting for Reign in Blood part deux for 25 years already :loco: