Age, Location, Metal

oh that's definitely a problem. it seems everywhere here its all I BELIEVE IN DEM DERE BIBLE THURR! JESUS CHRIST IS MA SAVYUR!

case in point, where I work there is a list of rights on the wall of the breakroom area. One of them reads "the Client has the right to abstain from or practice any religion of their choice", yet I go to work and everybody thinks because I'm pagan I draw pentagrams on the ground and sacrifice goats. my supervisor thinks I'm going to hell cause I'm not a christian. She's a sunday school teacher.
I saw that Deepak Chopra guy on tv the other night and he asked the question "When is the last time you heard about a Buddhist terrorist?", which I found pretty funny. I don't know how good of a point that is though. A lot of the terrorism you find in the middle east is due to discontent regarding social and political issues and the failure of governments. It's just that the whole radical Islamic stuff has kind of fomented the anger over there, and it's become sort of a battle cry for these people. So much so that in the minds of Westernized people, Islam is presumed to be the chief factor in causing all of these problems. I'm not too sure about this stuff though. I haven't thought about it a lot.
Well they do say that the good looking men are gay... hence why we are not either/or lol :lol:

Btw not trying to flame or get flamed but why is it that metalheads can christian or jew bash but when it comes to muslims/islam everyone gets bent out of shape? ... imo Islam/muslims are still living in the dark ages culturally the way they treat women and other issues... personally even though I was born catholic i prefer the buddhist religion... less history of bloodshed compare to the former 3 i mentioned & it is less about control... but then again wasn't it Karl Marx who said : Religion is the opiate of the Masses?

Good point.

Yeah remember how the Muslims acted when the Danish Newspaper drew a cartoon of Mohammed "the Prophet" They rioted for weeks and condemned Denmark and people actually DIED over a CARTOON!!!! Its absolutley nuts! They need to chill out!
all three religions (and religions in general) have had nothing but a history of bloodshed since their creations for one thing or another... the only bloodshed I can think of from buddhism's history is the monks getting slaughtered by the various Chinese regimes and such...
Actually all three religions have a rich and illustrious history of art (paintings, scultpure, music, literature, etc) and thought aside from the bloodshed, but okay.
Yes that goes without saying about the culture... but like a previous poster said about Deepak Chopra... you don't hear about Buddhist terrorists much less Buddhist monks in all it's history starting wars and killing each other over land or which religion is better etc... Buddhist history has always been about enlightnment as well as live and let live...
Well then you probably could've chosen a better phrase than "all three religions (and religions in general) have had nothing but a history of bloodshed since their creations."
If for some reason I HAD to choose a religion, it would be Buddhism, because that's less about pleasing "someone" else and more about self-betterment.
Well then you probably could've chosen a better phrase than "all three religions (and religions in general) have had nothing but a history of bloodshed since their creations."

I didn't think I had to state the obvious that institutions also have culture... I'm trying to show that religions in general (but in particularly those 3) have done more harm then good and history has shown that... and that the one religion that hasn't is buddhism.. what's that old saying: Those who do not remember the past are doomed to repeat it...
I didn't think I had to state the obvious that institutions also have culture... I'm trying to show that religions in general (but in particularly those 3) have done more harm then good and history has shown that... and that the one religion that hasn't is buddhism.. what's that old saying: Those who do not remember the past are doomed to repeat it...

Yes but people would still find excuses to kill each other without religion. It's in our nature as animals living in a world with limited resources. Relgion only gives it's followers more reasons to do such.
It's interesting to note that gays are more accepted in America than Atheists though.

This is one of the points that Richard Dawkins makes in his book and it utterly amazes me. Living in a country where religion is a lot less prominent than it is in the US (and that unlike the US actually does have proper separation of Church and state) it is nearly impossible for me to even imagine how simply saying that you do not believe in god is that unconventional.

In a poll conducted in 1999, the outcome was that American voters were more likely to vote for a Jew, a woman, a black person and even a homosexual than they would be to vote for a person who publicly admitted to be an atheist.

So purely speaking in terms of emancipation (black people's rights, women's rights and gay rights) in today's American society, outspoken atheists appear to actually be behind the aforementioned groups in terms of being accepted. Absolutely staggering. Though it does immediately explain why so few people in America seem to speak up when Bush delivers a speech in which he claims to be doing things in the name of God. If you did that here in the Netherlands you should see the newspapers the next day. Which by the way is not to say that The Netherlands is a godless country by any means, the current parliament is made up of two Christian parties and our prime-minister is a Christian.