Age, Location, Metal

Well then you probably could've chosen a better phrase than "all three religions (and religions in general) have had nothing but a history of bloodshed since their creations."

Well, believe it or not, it was pretty obvious to some of us that he meant the semitic religions. And the culture along with them, like arts and music, have evolved despite of, not thanks to, them.
Yes but people would still find excuses to kill each other without religion. It's in our nature as animals living in a world with limited resources. Relgion only gives it's followers more reasons to do such.

In our nature? :erk: The most well-known religions don´t count man as animal. On the contrary - "Man" is supposed to dominate animals and nature - because we are regarded as "superior".
In our nature? :erk: The most well-known religions don´t count man as animal. On the contrary - "Man" is supposed to dominate animals and nature - because we are regarded as "superior".

Well most well-known religions are wrong then. Humans are mammals... we have the same biological and chemical components as other animals, the same drives (food, sex, etc.)... the main difference between us and other animals is of course our cognitive abilities.
Well, believe it or not, it was pretty obvious to some of us that he meant the semitic religions. And the culture along with them, like arts and music, have evolved despite of, not thanks to, them.

Well, believe it or not, what religions he was talking about has nothing to do with the point I was making. And the culture of art would not have developed without them. How do you get Christian art without Christianity? Christian art is thanks to Christianity, not despite of Christianity.
Yes, we are mammals and our kognitive abilities hasn´t created more than to exploite our limited resources. Through history "mans superiority" has legitimized this exploitation.
Actually all three religions have a rich and illustrious history of art (paintings, scultpure, music, literature, etc) and thought aside from the bloodshed, but okay.

I believe it was exactly what you wrote.
This "christian" art might have been something completely different if there was an acceptance for it.
My point was that religions had more than NOTHING BUT BLOODSHED. That was the issue that I was responding to. And I'm not sure what you mean by the second part, maybe you can say it again in a more specific manner.
If I put it like this. Just as it is almost impossible to "come out as an atheist" like in Iran for example, there have been times in the christian history then it´s been impossible to act as an artist if the art included any profane matter, or even worse, any questionizing ( don´t even know if this word exist in English, sorry!) of the existence of god. To make a living as an artist during these times in history has in reality meant lack of freedom in artistic expressions.
Well I would imagine that the majority of Christian painters and composers and whatnot, being Christians themselves, wouldn't have wanted to have been profane in their art anyway; in a sense they've restrained their own freedoms of artistic expression, limited by their own religion. But I see what you mean about the time period in general, with the Christian authority restraining non-Christian artists and limiting their freedom of expression, but I don't consider that Christian art, so it's not really what I was talking about. I was speaking just of Christians themselves and the art that they produced, not the time period of Christian rule as a whole and all of the art produced in that period.
So, how do You tell the difference?

Well Christians didn't really keep their religion secret...what I mean by Christian art is art created by Christians about Christianity or with a Christian orientation of some kind. I'm sure there are ambiguous cases, but that's not really important.
Well, believe it or not, what religions he was talking about has nothing to do with the point I was making. And the culture of art would not have developed without them. How do you get Christian art without Christianity? Christian art is thanks to Christianity, not despite of Christianity.

A lot of art in general is because of Christianity, or at least heavily influenced by it. And Islamic art is fucking beautiful as well. I love Islamic calls to prayer, they are so beautiful.
22 come July, live a bit outside Oslo in Norway. Been listeing to metal since i was around six so that would amount to sixteen years or so.
A lot of art in general is because of Christianity, or at least heavily influenced by it. And Islamic art is fucking beautiful as well. I love Islamic calls to prayer, they are so beautiful.

Heard Hollenthon? There is some of that on the start on one of the songs on the Domus Mundi album (think thats the album title anyhow, song title is Homeage)