Albums currently displeasing your ass

I've seen them a zillion times and I adored their older material so I wanted to give them a chance. On the bright side, it seems James has lost weight (he was really fat and sloppy when I saw them live between 2006-2008).
I've seen them a zillion times and I adored their older material so I wanted to give them a chance. On the bright side, it seems James has lost weight (he was really fat and sloppy when I saw them live between 2006-2008).

he was addicted to drugs and became anorexic :kickass:
oh is that so? who does he think he is, Daniel Johns?

@Episteme think I managed to miss that one. I fall off the metal boat for months at a time.

It's alright I guess, but certainly doesn't live up to the brilliant cover and song titles. A solid effort for a young band, but seems rather boring and repetitive to me. 50/100
A Forest of Stars--Opportunistic Springtime Thieves. Not grabbing me. Seems like the songs don't have any finality or direction. Unimpressed with the guitar work, as I was with their previous album. Weak riffage and lazy playing.

Its not that its particularly bad, I just don't think it can decide what kind of album it is. The opening track is all over the place, the first half sounds like a Satriani song (quite a good one actually) and then it descends into some pretty stock and boring thrash. Quite alot of the time it suddenly switches to F-zero X music... not necessarily a bad thing, I just find the sudden contrasts too much.
Just seems to be a platform for Waters guitar work- I think if he'd made an instrumental album, it would've worked better - he's definitely got the chops to do so.
I do like the vocal production - sounds like early Metallica Hetfield.

Bit of a mixed bag really.