Albums currently displeasing your ass

vee vee was right, this group is abysmal.


the angelic process - weighing souls with the sand
argh, I can't take anymore of this surfer metal bore. Sleeping Giant is ok, but for me the entire discography of Mastodon is just abysmal. Nice covers, bad music.
*angelic process stuff*

I remember listening ages ago and thinking it was pretty damn good, tastes have changed a lot since so I'll have to listen again.

Didn't the guy kill himself because he had bad acne or something? Read that somewhere...morbidly humorous
I read he killed himself because he injured his hand and couldnt play music any more. :lol:

either way he's dead I guess. I like the band... kind of a droning/shoegaze/post metal hybrid...
Just looked it up, his girlfriend/wife posted a blog saying that he got depressed because his health was shit from acne pills. Must've been really bad if the pills caused so much.
I don't know what to say. Suicide over acne.....that's intense. Must've been boils all over his face.

edit - " Kris was on tetracycline for acne for many years, at 2000mg a day".

No wonder he got sick, he was taking tetracycline at 2k MG a day!! One of the most toxic substances in the world of pharmacology, and he was taking it for acne?! what?!

Was Dr. Conrad Muray his personal physician by any chance?
Didn't the guy kill himself because he had bad acne or something? Read that somewhere...morbidly humorous

If he was taking Accutane/isotretinoin, it's not really a laughing matter tbh. I've known two people who took it to rid themselves of acne, and both have claimed it caused them to have several nights of extreme depression including major suicidal ideation. Scary.

Since the 1980s, scientific research has suggested a relationship between isotretinoin administration and the onset of psychological symptoms including depression, suicidal ideation, and psychosis.

edit: oh, just read above. 2 grams of tetracycline a day is probably considered a very major dosage. The usual prescribed dosage is 1 gram a day divided into two doses, so two 500mg pills/tablets a day.

It sucks.

Oh man, I disagree wholeheartedly. That's one of the better symphonic black metal albums in a subgenre that mainly produces shit.


Yet another Power Metal band that used to be great in the 90s.

I already pre-ordered this, but I'm a bit nervous. After hearing the single, I wasn't too impressed; but the best songs on their albums are usually the ones that aren't released as singles.

But you are correct, they were incredible in the 90s and early 00s.

Worst album Ive ever heard...almost. Meshuggah wannabe deathcore crap.

I did not want to check this out after the bad "Metal Black", but this was even worse. Totally uninspiring, nu-black-thrash-attack.
What the helldid you expect a band named Gorgasm to be?

Not that bad of an album really... very short though.
I know, I know, I just gave it a shot wasn't expecting it to be anything special was trying something different I guess