Albums currently displeasing your ass

I hope he's serious. Some bunch of faggot deathcore kids posing as bad black metal is an atrocity.

I used to hate AW, but their new album is actually pretty good as they dropped all traces of -core and most symphonics.


Bleak metal.
The new Opeth DVD. Seriously shit. Mikael is losing his voice, dropped complete solos/portions of songs and the drummer blatantly removed some of the more intricate touches that really make the atmosphere of a lot of the songs. Opeth died the day Martin Mendez left. That man's drumming gave the band so much soul.

I haven't seen it yet, but which parts exactly are you talking about?

Bleh. Maybe it'll grow on me.

Oh yeah this album is horrid, I was hoping after the last shithole, this would be better but they actually gotten worse yet again. Nothing can top Epica or Black Halo. And can you point out any core elements in the last Abigail Williams album? They don't exist, haven't given the new one a listen and I don't care to really. They are a pretty good but who cares type of band.
I'm not surprised that album is displeasing you,the cover alone is displeasing me and a fairly clear indicator that what's contained within must surely be utter tripe.For me rap died with Run DMC i'm sure some disagree but i really don't wanna know about it.
Black people should be banned from making music for eternity.

As racist and awful as that may sound, I agree.

And may I ask what possessed you to even consider listening to that wretched and steaming pile of shit? God man, what were you thinking?

Aweful album. I agree with what Vossyrus says about it. Sounds like Godspeed b-sides but more uninspired. Reminds me of what Equilibrium did with Rekretaur. They took a successful formula and watered it down to boring, repetative rubbish.