Albums currently displeasing your ass


I loved their debut album, but this has to be the biggest disappointment for me in 2010. Total sellout.

Prior to today I always maintained that this was their best and that Kreator beyond their first three albums was useless. Time to change that to the first two.

EDIT: Actually, I think I take that back. The shit-combo of the title track and As the World Burns kind of threw me off.

Prior to today I always maintained that this was their best and that Kreator beyond their first three albums was useless. Time to change that to the first two.

EDIT: Actually, I think I take that back. The shit-combo of the title track and As the World Burns kind of threw me off.

OMG WTF SAUZE?!?! How do you not jerk off to that album?!?!? It's like the pinacle of teutonic thrash metal OMG WTF?!?! You're soooooooooooooo gay go listen to your fukking jpop bands fffffffffffffaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaag. Go die in a car fire!!! How dare you not like that!!
OMG WTF SAUZE?!?! How do you not jerk off to that album?!?!? It's like the pinacle of teutonic thrash metal OMG WTF?!?! You're soooooooooooooo gay go listen to your fukking jpop bands fffffffffffffaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaag. Go die in a car fire!!! How dare you not like that!!

I already retracted my comment that is was a bad album, but for the miserable minutes that As the World Burns was playing, it was indeed displeasing. Such a terrible song.