Albums currently displeasing your ass

You should not ignore Lord Belial only because of that album. Try listening to their other albums like the one mentioned above. They have plenty of good albums.

Fuck, this is horrible.
^ Really? I haven't ordered that yet because the label never returned my email. I know their albums get mixed reactions, but does it sound like Peste Noire or is it something completely different sounding?
I meant, should I be expecting to hear something radically different from them this time? Because if it sounds like the usual Peste Noire stuff I'll probably enjoy it.

In their own words they are "scraping the barrel". Very dissapointing album. They have watered down their sound to its most "accessible" and it just sounds like another shitty power metal album now. Theres one or two cathy bits in a few songs but not enough to redeem the album.
Blut Aus Nord - Ultima Thulee

Well... it's not a BAD album per se, but for someone who's only exposure to BAN previous to this was Memoria Vetusta II: Dialogue With The Stars, this just seems so... awkward in comparison. There's good riffs here or there, but honestly all the chug just bugs me. Not only that but most of the songs are so disjointed that it completely kills whatever momentum the songs have built up. Disappointing.
check out the first Memoria Vetusta, 2nd BAN album. Way better than Ultima Thulee. Also the BAN side project The Eye - Supremacy.

I know how well loved this album is, but I cannot for the life of me get into it. I have tried again and again. And it's not Swanson's vocals that bother. The riffs just aren't that good. They've got this deep heaviness but that's about it. Beyond that they're really just a bunch of fuzzy midtempo chugga's and I don't really get a feeling of occult atmosphere from any of it, which I'm supposed to.
I'll jump right on the dislike of that album. I love swanson on Hour of 13, but briton rites is boring as hell.