Albums currently displeasing your ass

Hahaa, really, go fuck yourself w/ all those gay prog metal bands and all those "punk" bands of the new millenium, if you dislike Suicidal Tendencies than it's you who is gay. FMFS. How can you even label this band as queer, that's beyond my understanding.
Watch this and shut the fuck up please.

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New Norther album Circle Regenerated is out and it's not very good. The word that comes to mind is 'weak'. Everything sounds weak: the riffs, the vocals, the melodies, the solos, the keyboards, the clean vocals. Very boring.
New Norther album Circle Regenerated is out and it's not very good. The word that comes to mind is 'weak'. Everything sounds weak: the riffs, the vocals, the melodies, the solos, the keyboards, the clean vocals. Very boring.

I haven't listened to it yet, but I'd presume it sucks. The last Norther album you can call good is DU. After that, they started to sound more and more like generic melodeath and have only released albums with one or two good songs.
Not that bad, but I just can't get much out of this. Displeasing mostly, because a lot of my friends basically praise in a choir how Devil's Blood is the best band ever.

Not that bad, but I just can't get much out of this. Displeasing mostly, because a lot of my friends basically praise in a choir how Devil's Blood is the best band ever.


Same for me. Cool concept, but I can't really find anything all that great.
Blut Aus Nord - Ultima Thulee

Well... it's not a BAD album per se, but for someone who's only exposure to BAN previous to this was Memoria Vetusta II: Dialogue With The Stars, this just seems so... awkward in comparison. There's good riffs here or there, but honestly all the chug just bugs me. Not only that but most of the songs are so disjointed that it completely kills whatever momentum the songs have built up. Disappointing.
Sargeist - Let the Devil In

I initially thought this was pretty awesome, but aside from a select few amazing tracks, the album just seems to have a lot of filler, and drag a lot. There's a couple songs that sound almost exactly like other songs on the album and it sorta annoys me. If the choice tracks were extracted and collected into an EP, this would actually be really, really awesome.