Albums currently displeasing your ass

future tense is one i was thinking of, and defender who i didn't realise you'd already mentioned. proud existence, dark wizard, vault, valkyrie and angus are all inconsistent but they each have some good material IMO. i guess it is pretty slim pickings.

dunno if any of these will take your fancy, but some others:

p.s. it isn't trad but check this nonsense out lol
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Oops, missed that post. I've heard Exises and Random before, but not the others, I'll check them out. Started with that Emerald track due to the beautiful cover art, and this sounds pretty legit, thanks.


Fuck this is boring. Why do people think that trad metal riffs + harsh screamy vox automatically = melodeath?
A lot of them are pretty short actually, they're just super boring. I don't understand the thought process that says "Hey, trad and thrash were dead in 1994. You want an album that shows the creative flexibility of death metal? Merciless' Unbound, it sounds exactly like trad and thrash metal, so fuckin visionary!"
Bands that do that shit should just start side-projects for their need to have traditional metal elements, just get on with your death metal and have a side traditional metal band with vocals that suit it etc.
Really guys? You all think a super shitty attempt at thrash is good for metal? No wonder you guys are stupid. What a terrible album

And a shitty album cover to boot

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I need to listen to that album, just so I can shit all over it as I do Out of the Abyss. There's definitely a weird frame of mind that makes people that don't like thrash metal enjoy really bad thrash from non-thrash bands.
I need to listen to that album, just so I can shit all over it as I do Out of the Abyss. There's definitely a weird frame of mind that makes people that don't like thrash metal enjoy really bad thrash from non-thrash bands.

Out of the Abyss is not a very good album by Manilla Road standards. I think that even the band agrees.

has some thrash and speed metal influences, but is definitely not a thrash metal album overall and it seems obvious that it has influence from multiple styles of metal.
I need to listen to that album, just so I can shit all over it as I do Out of the Abyss. There's definitely a weird frame of mind that makes people that don't like thrash metal enjoy really bad thrash from non-thrash bands.

Since Mystification is not a thrash album, it's not a weird frame of mind at all. That's like saying it's weird that I don't enjoy cucumbers on their own, but I like gyros with tzatziki sauce.
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