Albums currently displeasing your ass


Graveland - Immortal Pride

This is literally the worst drumming I've ever heard, and I can't stop listening. :lol:
I agree with them really, Time is Up is great. Listened to a few tracks of that one and didn't buy it.

What has popular opinion ever mattered on this board btw?
In Flames sounds like they started listening to nu-metal 15 years after it was cool. Their vocalist sounds like the guy from Korn. I don't even know why anyone even still gives a shit about this band.
In Flames sounds like they started listening to nu-metal 15 years after it was cool. Their vocalist sounds like the guy from Korn. I don't even know why anyone even still gives a shit about this band.

I didn't even know they still existed.
US got me interested in modern thrash again so it has that going for it for me at least. I do own TIU before anyone jumps on the 'LOL LISSEN TO DISS' wagon. I'll listen to both again and get a better opinion but TIU caught me as average or maybe my interest in thrash is truly waning..
Finally listening to this after seeing folks on here post it several times I'm rather let down. It's not bad so much as feeling stuck in a no-mans-land between BM, folk, and maybe even post metal. It lacks the raw power of BM, the unique melodies of folk, and the often epic build-up that post metal tracks provide. Nothing about it offends, but it doesn't inspire either...

I don't know how you can't. It's not like this thread is regularly posted in anyways. Raise your standards bro.

Relistening to it and Beyond the Gates after someone recently praised the latter. The album still doesn't do much for me, but holy fuck this EP is so generic. It's like they just kept going backwards, and I don't mean in terms of extremity/death metalliness, but some of the most boring riffs and song structures for a mid/late-80s thrash release. What's sad is the drummer still can't keep time either.

Baroness - Purple

Baroness have steadily gone downhill since their excellent Red Album IMO. Purple is just...boring. (Always nice artwork though)
Hard to fault them for their artwork when the guy in the band does it. That being said, that's crappy album number 2 in a row. Interest has waned.
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