Albums currently displeasing your ass

This one should be posted here instead.

'my last words' is great and i really like the title track also, the rest i can take or leave (except 'i ain't superstitious' which i'll leave, thx). 'wake up dead' is a dumb mess and you're all weird. :fu:
so im guessing you posting this shit without a title right after i asked for you guys to post titles is a jab at me, right? Lol, what a cunt you can be at times.

He's posting it because it's Watain, but a really bad Watain album instead of the good one that was posted earlier.
so im guessing you posting this shit without a title right after i asked for you guys to post titles is a jab at me, right? Lol, what a cunt you can be at times.

I didn't even read your post. I posted it because it's definitely the worst Watain album that was impatiently anticipated. It was supposed to be a great follow-up to Lawless Darkness.
... although i know yours was clearly to fuck with me, but try not be a lazy prick and type out the name of the albums you are going to post(that goes for everyone). Don't expect everyone here to just look at every album cover and recognize them.

it's Watain, but a really bad Watain album instead of the good one that was posted earlier.

that much i had figured out already, genius.
Not trying to be too harsh on this album, but it still just sounds off or wrong to me. I'm slowly coming around to it, but definitely not fast enough.

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SSOASS is the only album I've felt at odds with the consensus to an extent I felt a need to write an M-A review crapping all over it. It's had a bumpy ride for me though, from all-time favorite album to hating it to a lukewarm "It's still ok by general metal standards" feeling. Haven't listened to it in a decade but have been meaning to see how I feel about it now, I think I'd enjoy it a lot now with time to cool.
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Too bad the drumming is absolute garbage and there's only ~25 minutes worth of actual good music on it.