Albums currently displeasing your ass



This album is a fucking travesty. Especially when compared to many of the legitimately great albums in his discography. Come on, Yngwie! Get off the mic and find an actual motherfucking producer (because Mark Boals and your compositions aren't salvaging this album like in War to End All Wars' case).
I still like it but yeah there's a lot of filler.
I've been blasting albums I'm not familiar with while I work out and this was just bad. Only got half way through it but I couldn't imagine it getting any better and I couldn't imagine why it would go for over an hour. Some ok riffs but shocking vocal ideas and song arrangements. And they should be shot for that Stones cover.
I've been blasting albums I'm not familiar with while I work out and this was just bad. Only got half way through it but I couldn't imagine it getting any better and I couldn't imagine why it would go for over an hour. Some ok riffs but shocking vocal ideas and song arrangements. And they should be shot for that Stones cover.

imo it does get a bit better (I really Architect of Pain (basically their attempt at a Skullkrusher, slower doom-y song) and A Good Day to Die (closest thing to a ballad in their discography)), but yeah there's a lot of cringeworthy stuff too. The Elvis Costello cover isn't much better.

This album is garbage. I really wouldn't know where to even begin when it comes to giving my thoughts regarding this pile of trash. Between the sensationally bad production, Alfred sounding like an utterly awful vocalist for no reason, the utterly dull instrumentation, the cringeworthy and laughable gospel choirs, the fact that some of this shit sounds like it should be on a sitcom instead of being classified as a POWER METAL album, etc.

What an absolute shame of a record this is.
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You know, I had never heard of this woman until blogger and Youtuber, Razorfist, had mentioned her in one of his videos. Then, after some thought, I DID recall catching a glimpse of her on some old magazines I had seen. That being said, I never listened to her music.

Then, I decided to listen to this. I despised it. It's shit. While listening to this album, I recalled every instance in which people would deride my liking of guitarists like Malmsteen, Vai, Romeo, etc. as mindless shredders with no technique or sense of melody. The reason for that was because this woman's oeuvre literally embodies all of those accusations. The guitarwork on this album is entirely made up of uninspired riffs and utterly mindless solo sections. This goes without mentioning the embarrassing vocals, the eye roll inducing lyricsm and the shoehorning of classical sections that only serve to damage the original compositions.

This truly is one of those albums that I despise with the burning wrath of a thousand suns.
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First listen. Fuck this is boring, 80% of the riffs are generic thrash/groove/alt metal and the remainder sound borrowed from The Outer Limits. I know this has a kind of underdog/hidden gem status but I can't imagine ever liking this.