Albums of 06

Mastodon-Blood Mountain
Isis-In the Absence of Truth, In the Fishtank
Katatonia-The Great Cold Distance

Also, it isn't metal at all, but Stadium Arcadium kicks ass
Amon Amarth - With Oden On Our Side
Anaal Nathrakh - Eschaton
Borknagar - Origin
Carpathian Forest - Fuck You All !!!!
Satyricon - Now, Diabolical
Vader - Impressions in Blood
Zyklon - Disintegrate
2006 for me has been a year of numerous solid albums without any that really stand out. Besides the ones that have been mentioned here are some that I'ved liked
Infected Malignity - The Malignity Born From Despair
Septycal Gorge - Growing Seeds of Decay
Guttural Secrete - Reek of Pubescent Despoilment
Skinless - Trample the Weak, Hurdle the Dead
Kataklysm - In the Arms of Devastation
Good to read a lot of you guys' lists.

My top (metal) albums would have to include these and others:

1. Gory Blister - Skymorphosis [epic technical death]
2. Raunchy - Death Pop Romance [melo-death/metalcore]
3. Dismember - The God That Never Was [melodic death]
4. Textures - Drawing Circles [extreme progressive]
5. Scythe - Decay [progressive death]
6. Maroon - When Worlds Collide [metalcore]
7. Gorod - Leading Vision [technical death]
8. Unreal Overflows - Architecture Of Incomprehension [technical melodic death]
9. Anata - The Conductor's Departure [technical death]
10. Drottnar - Welterwerk [technical blackened death]
11. Persefone - Core [progressive/epic/symphonic]
12. It Dies Today - Sirens [melodic metalcore]
13. Atheretic - Apocalyptic Nature Fury [technical brutal death metal]
14. Qhwertt - Cloudland [melodic funeral/drone doom]
15. Spawn Of Possession - Noctambulent [technical death metal]
Décadent said:
The new Peste Noire is quite good. But not great.

Aye, if they'd have continued with the raw, abrasive production a la Macabre Transcendance it would have been a winner.

Will Stronger than Death will be good, no fucking doubt.

Midvinterblot was decent.

My favourite, hands down, is VVorld VVithout End by Katharsis. But to be fair, I've heard very little else, and really don't care to rectify that.
I really can't say at this point anymore, the only 2006 release that gets alot of attention from me still is Ashes Against The Grain.

That is and will no doubt be AOTY.
it really is a great album, but I know it's going to get overlooked by a ton of people

Amesoeuresours would be on the list but not for a fucking 3 song MCD...if they give me something of substance, then sure...
Zephyrus said:
Amon Amarth - With Oden On Our Side
Anaal Nathrakh - Eschaton
Borknagar - Origin

Satyricon - Now, Diabolical
Vader - Impressions in Blood
Zyklon - Disintegrate


Bal-Sagoth - The Chthonic Chronicles
Scar Symmetry - Pitch Black Progress
Rhapsody of Fire- Triumph or Agony
Gorgoroth - Ad Majorem Sathanas Gloriam
Mastodon - Blood Mountain
Unexpect - In a flesh aquarium
Amon Amarth - With Oden on our side
Mastodon - Blood Mountain
Spawn of Possession - Noctambulant
Fuck the Facts - Stigmata High-Five
Dismember - the god that never was
Gotherfall - Blacksphere Architecture
my faves this year

metal church:a light in the dark
bal-sagoth:chthonic chronicles
summoning:oath bound
BG-twist in the myth
my faves this year

metal church:a light in the dark
bal-sagoth:chtonic chronicles
summoning:oath bound
BG-twist in the myth
Darkthrone - The Cult Is Alive
Drudkh - Blood in Our Wells
I - Between Two Worlds (although a slight disapointment)
Summoning - Oath Bound
Amon Amarth - With Oden On Our Side
Blind Guardian - A Twist in the Myth
Iron Maiden - A Matter of Life and Death
Celtic Frost - Monotheist
Not in order yet:

Deicide - Stench of Redemption
Wolf - The Black Flame
Bible of the Devil - The Diabolic Procession
Suffocation - Suffocation
Ares Kingdom - Return to Dust
Frightmare - Bringing Back the Bloodshed
Blood Freak - Live Fast Die Young And Leave A Flesh Eating Corpse
Ghoul - Splatterthrash