One Inch Man said:what the hell is that, doomcifer?
hmmm, this could be something but that 2 note riff crap is sorta hard for me to get beyond anymore. everything else is promising though, so i'll give it a handful more listens.lurch70 said:
One Inch Man said:hmmm, this could be something but that 2 note riff crap is sorta hard for me to get beyond anymore. everything else is promising though, so i'll give it a handful more listens.
Highway Corsair said:Below The Lights >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Isa
Mormagil said:I know full well that by asking I risk turning this thread into some kind of extremely non-metal fagfest, but are you a Rilo Kiley fan by any chance?
is it all progressive and rockin like, similar to below the lights? that's what i really dig about that album, heard their earlier straight black metal stuff and thought it was perfectly fine, but nothing to go crazy over.Dev said:Anyway NAD , also pick up Monumension :hotjump:
One Inch Man said:is it all progressive and rockin like, similar to below the lights?