albums shaking your tree lately WTF!!!

<--- Adrian & Max, if you guys do not go gaga over this album, I'd...I' willing to eat a steaming hot pile of camel turds.
what the hell is that, doomcifer?

okay downloading that track lurch, thanks.

i just read two extremely glowing reviews of isa, one from a very underground source and one from something painfully mainstream. both said that below the lights was just the warm up act and FUCK ME if that's true i'm going to be in hog heaven.

hmm, isa is definetelly more accesible and dare I say very catchy ... hence the reason i like it
i'm still mad at la sexorcisto's production, thing has always sounded like complete shit to me. but the music rules, and that's what counts.

i've been listening to some older zombie lately, some of that shit is pretty cool. and some of is it is pretty shit.
One Inch Man said:
hmmm, this could be something but that 2 note riff crap is sorta hard for me to get beyond anymore. everything else is promising though, so i'll give it a handful more listens.

this disc is hard to summarize in one track ... lots of diversity on it.
after 2 listens to that song it'd be worth picking up for like $7 in a few months.

that's actually a complement considering my picky nature with buying shit these days, especially from a band who sucked pretty hard at one point. :loco:
now dont get me wrong there are plenty of jumpdafuckup moments on this disc ... but hey Sep invented that so it's ok ... but mostly Max is really pissed here.
as long as it isn't the focus of the music i think i'll be okay with it.

anyhow, this album amazes me all the time, even during the hot weather like right now:

Highway Corsair said:
Below The Lights >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Isa

Don't know about that one . Anyway NAD , also pick up Monumension :hotjump:

Someone listens to Old Man Gloom . Gotta try Seminar III or wtf it's called ... Eventhough Aaron Turner plays in that band "Christmas" is not really my cup of tea . Cool I'm not a blind fan .
Mormagil said:
I know full well that by asking I risk turning this thread into some kind of extremely non-metal fagfest, but are you a Rilo Kiley fan by any chance?

Haven't heard any, but if you're comparing it to any of Ben Gillard's work then I'd be keen to give it a listen, got any Mp3's you'd be willing to share?
Dev said:
Anyway NAD , also pick up Monumension :hotjump:
is it all progressive and rockin like, similar to below the lights? that's what i really dig about that album, heard their earlier straight black metal stuff and thought it was perfectly fine, but nothing to go crazy over.

:rock: to kyuss and fear factory. :rock: again.