Albums that have few good songs (the first few, usually) and the rest sucks

Seamount - ntodrm

And old obscure heavy metal bands suffer from this too. I.E. Tygers of Pan Tang and those alike. Even Loudness imo.

EDIT: Generally, black and death metal bands do this less than heavy and doom bands for instance.

Doom has probably the highest good song to bad song ratio in metal.
Didn't know there were people on this earth that singled out Diamonds & Rust as a weak spot. I was expecting you to say The Last Rose of Summer or Here Come the Tears.
Every song on Sin After Sin is greatness.

I used to hate this album, but it was grown on me quite a lot and I play that album in its entirety more often than any other Priest album after Sad Wings of Destiny.

Even "Diamonds And Rust"? Really?

Get out. That's probably the best cover they did.

Didn't know there were people on this earth that singled out Diamonds & Rust as a weak spot. I was expecting you to say The Last Rose of Summer or Here Come the Tears.

I would definitely say Last Rose of Summer is a weak spot. I like Here Come the Tears though.
Why don’t you give us an example to support that idiotic theory.

I can't think of a BM album that I only enjoy bits and pieces of, quite frankly. Maybe some Krallice albums but that's it.


Arsis - We Are The Nightmare

First song is really good modern tech death, but it seems they blew their creative load on it because the rest of the tracks are just horrible.
Skyclad's Folkemon is a good example of an extremely front-heavy album. It starts with The Great Brain Robbery, which is solid, if unremarkable. Then Think Back And Lie of England and Polkageist, two of my favorite Skyclad songs. And then...the rest of the album isn't bad at all, but nothing really stands out until the closing duo, Any Old Irony? and the cover of Swords Of A Thousand Men. Skyclad are generally like that...they'll have a few amazing songs, a few solid songs, and some that are decidedly filler.

In terms of albums that only have one good song, The Faceless's first album, Akeldama, has this song Pestilence that imo is pretty damn good tech death...pretty badass, fairly technical, and reasonably varied without devolving into a disjointed riff soup. Unfortunately, the rest of the album is pretty much shit.

Luca Turilli's Prophet of the Last Eclipse...Demonheart is fucking awesome, and the two instrumentals are really cool, but the rest is kinda bleh. Not bad, again, Same for the first album, which has maybe two, three stand-outs (Ancient Forest of Elves, Legend of Steel) and the rest is just discarded Rhapsody material.

Also...don't hate me, but...Ace of Spades. I mean, you have the title track, you have We Are The Road Crew, and you have...what, exactly? A bunch of solid songs (Dance, Fast And Loose, The Chase Is Better Than The Catch, The Hammer, etc), but not remarkable. Overall a reasonably consistent album, and fun to spin, but definitely got a bunch of thriller on there.
Watain - Sworn to the Dark
The Crown - Doomsday King
Dimmu Borgir - Spiritual Black Dimensions
Marduk - Panzer Division Marduk
Rhapsody - Rain of a Thousand Flames
Setherial - Death Triumphant
Mörk Gryning - Pieces of Primal Expressionism
To be fair a lot of my favourite albums have filler on them. I'd rather have 3 songs I love, 2 ok ones and 2 filler than an album of meh in a style I find repulsive.