Alec's Tavern : The Frost Blast

Belus is a masterpiece, I'm looking forward for the new album!!

Edit: I've been invited to join 2 bands: one of them is death/thrash and the other one is melodic death alas ol' Dark Tranquillity and At the Gates. I'm just checking my time to join both of them. I'm also recruiting musicians to record a LP at the end of the year.
^ Congrats Allfader!

I'm worried about Sigurðr; he lives in Brazil, the floods have been horrible and he hasn't posted. He lived in Rio right? That's where most people have died I think :( .

Sometimes it does seem as if Elvina were right and the world will end in 2012. Horrible floods everywhere, even in Australia. Can't wait for the rainy season here (sarcasmus).
^ Congrats Allfader!

I'm worried about Sigurðr; he lives in Brazil, the floods have been horrible and he hasn't posted. He lived in Rio right? That's where most people have died I think :( .

Sometimes it does seem as if Elvina were right and the world will end in 2012. Horrible floods everywhere, even in Australia. Can't wait for the rainy season here (sarcasmus).

hey dude, im alive and well :D nope i dont live in rio, i live in south of brazil, rj is east brazil..1000 km from here, but the floods aren't in the city of rio de janeiro..the floods were in three cities 60 km far from rj, and i didn't know about the floods till today when i was in my girlfriend's house and saw on tv, im very unplugged :lol: but i did a few posts in 'never ending now playing thread'
Sigurðr;9604345 said:
hey dude, im alive and well :D nope i dont live in rio, i live in south of brazil, rj is east brazil..1000 km from here, but the floods aren't in the city of rio de janeiro..the floods were in three cities 60 km far from rj, and i didn't know about the floods till today when i was in my girlfriend's house and saw on tv, im very unplugged :lol: but i did a few posts in 'never ending now playing thread'

Haha OK I'm glad you're fine :p .

Sunrise arrives two days early in Greenland
Scientists claim to have discovered more evidence of global warming after the sun rose two days early in Greenland, apparently because melting glaciers have lowered the horizon.

The polar night usually ends on January 13, but this year residents of Ilulissat, the third largest settlement in Greenland, were surprised to see dawn arrive just before 1pm on January 11 after six weeks of perpetual darkness.

Astronomers have ruled out the possibility of the early dawn being a result of a shift of the earth's axis and Thomas Posch, of the Institute for Astronomy of the University of Vienna, says a change in the horizon is "by far the most obvious explanation".

According to to the National Climatic Data Centre in North Carolina, 2010 was the warmest year on record and a separate report from the World Meteorology Organisation found that temperatures in Greenland were 3C above average last year.

However, not everyone accepts the explanation that melting glaciers are to blame. Message-boards are full of posts from conspiracy theorists blaming everything from chemtrails to a build-up of methane in the atmosphere or a shift in the earth's axis.

That last idea has been pooh-poohed by Wolfgang Lenhardt, director of the department of geophysics at the Central Institute for Meteorology in Vienna, who explains: "The data of the earth's axis and rotation are monitored continuously and meticulously and we would know if that had happened... there would have been an outcry around the world."

However he does suggest one other possible explanation - that ice crystals in the air had refracted the sun's light creating a mirage, known as a sun-dog, which appeared above the horizon
Life is so confusing, this day certainly was. I'm really wondering if teaching is my thing, but I guess I can't handle the average CRn mediocrity/way of being.

My dad came from Boston today! I really missed him, even if it was only two weeks :p . He brought me a new iPod Nano (the other is about to die :(), which is insanely cool. I also got a bunch of books which I ordered from Amazon, plus "Atlas Shrugged" by Ayn Rand (high expectations!). Plus, a DC 2011 pop-up calendar and an incredibly-brilliant MIT shirt (green).

Aaaaaan best of all, tomorrow I'll attend a speech by… Mr James Watson himself!!!!!!! It's quite surprising that he even got here (as in "how the heck did the UCR manage to get him?" o.O). I'll be wearing my MIT shirt, and hopefully I can take a picture with him.

I doubt I'll spring for MGS4, I haven't played any of the previous titles so I'd probably be confused half the time.:S I bought 'Uncharted 1' as my first PS3 game, pretty fun so far.
"Atlas Shrugged" by Ayn Rand (high expectations!)

Very, very, very, very, very, very, very bad book. Unless by high expectations you mean it's going to be hilarious. I can't imagine a book more derided and dismissed in the academy. It's not even taught for a reason, it's kind of armchair philosophy.

It's definitely an interesting read, though. Your dad had a good notion if he wanted to get you something entertaining. It's bad in a way that's stimulating, I will say that much. But you should know that Ayn Rand never practiced what she preached. She lived her life as almost a pseudo-cultist, surrounding herself with sycophants and in some cases coaxing sexual relations out of the young men she sought to mentor (she was married, although I don't see this as being an issue if the husband does not think it is, which in her case, it was not for him). She was very strange, as are most objectivists I've ever met.

Although the idea of humans being objective seems so silly to me. As Cabald put it in Battlestar Galactica, we're limited to what we can see because of how we perceive, through gelatinous things in our head. We're subjective by virtue of biology and existence. Objective / subjective are subjective constructions conjured by our own consciousness. Rand's rationality in itself is a kind of American libertarian anarchism. That's how I've always seen it, anyway.
Has anyone else been following the massive pro-union protests in Madison, Wisconsin? They have completely taken over the State Capitol building! (And no matter what your views are on this issue, it's still pretty impressive. The Capitol os a huge building!)

It's such a trip. I grew up in Madison, and to see it in the international news is quite thrilling. If I was still unemployed, I'd be there.

(Instead, I ended up getting myself employed and going back to school for night classes. Damn my responsible self! ;p)
Little summary of the latest news!

Today I'm moving out to a new apartment with my Gf, which I'll marry in a couple of months. (Yes, as you read I'm getting married pretty soon!)

I've finished the Forestfather EP. I won't release it yet, since I'm currently recording an LP. The former sounds good for a demo or so, there are interesting ideas and some nice riffing combining several styles but the latter is just getting fucking excellent to my ears. I have demo-ed half of the Lp and it already sounds promising. I'm planning on to get a label (even if it's small, I dont mind; if not I'll do the job for myself) and release it before spring (here is summer yet). I also did drums for an avantgarde-death metal band and I'll record fretless bass too in a month or so.

I'm also planning on to get a postgrade in tax planning, which should bring a whole new dimension to my current audit accountant works (and more money I hope).