Alec's Tavern : The Frost Blast

i totally get you...i'm sure the people of the north are nice...except those twats that like/play in nsbm bands...there's nothing that i hate more than racism.
here in israel as it is kind of a melting pot of jewish people of different origins, we do have pale and dark, blond black brown and red hair, brown, black blue green grey eyes...and pretty much everything in between.
here the tendency is to pick someone who's different than's perfectly normal to find something different or unusal as exotic.
I was born in the ukraine and have romanian and german roots in my past...i'm pretty pale but blackhaired and brown eyes my gf is yemenite

of course we do have blonde people here, but it's not usual. the most common color of hair is brown or black.
for the eyes, blue eyes are quite common, brown is the norm and green are very unsual.
it's easier to find a brown haired person even with light eyes than a blond person in general (of course i'm speaking of a natural blond), and it's quite weird for me seeing some nordic guys or girls that dye their hair with dark colours because here is the exact opposite :lol:
and it's quite weird for me seeing some nordic guys or girls that dye their hair with dark colours because here is the exact opposite :lol:

HAHAHA Here's the same... girls and guys dye their hair blonde or with another weird colors... I dunno, I prefer the dark hair and eyes...

here there are almost all kind of posible things.. very pale with black hair (like me), blonde/red hair tanned people (like malibu looking), blonde chinese type (a lot of them with dye hair)... it's weird XD

A lot of black metal musicians dyes their hair dark btw... like abbath, satyr, lazare, etx
HAHAHA Here's the same... girls and guys dye their hair blonde or with another weird colors... I dunno, I prefer the dark hair and eyes...

here there are almost all kind of posible things.. very pale with black hair (like me), blonde/red hair tanned people (like malibu looking), blonde chinese type (a lot of them with dye hair)... it's weird XD

A lot of black metal musicians dyes their hair dark btw... like abbath, satyr, lazare, etx

you seem to be possessed in your avatar photo :lol:

anyway here is normal to see blonde people with a darker regrowth on the roots, and it seems a little bit strange for us to see people with dark hair and a blonde regrowth.
sometimes it makes me wonder why aren't people satisfied with his natural distinctive features.
you seem to be possessed in your avatar photo :lol:

anyway here is normal to see blonde people with a darker regrowth on the roots, and it seems a little bit strange for us to see people with dark hair and a blonde regrowth.
sometimes it makes me wonder why aren't people satisfied with his natural distinctive features.

I'm very pale ^^

the darker regrowth XDDDDDD that's horrible LOL here that's a plague XD

I'm feeling very good with myself, I can't imagine to see me on the mirror blonde XD

the same goes with the type/style of hair, (I dunno how to say it on english, so I'll put examples) some has it like andreas, others like Jens Ryland. Mine is more like Jens.
i would never dream of dying my hair...not even when i go grey(which i probably won't because i have my dad and grandma's hair and they don't have one grey hair on their heads) gf wears her natural black hair too. a guy dying his hair not in purpose to cover a few grey hairs(if he gets grey young) is like a woman getting a boobjob only without the medical hazards(assuming he's not allergic to the dye)
girls and boys are different regarding artficial looks enhancement...guys dye their hair less than girls, guys usually don't wear makeup, guys don't get fake boobs unless they have a gender disorder which they are born with(girl in a boy's body).
girls have a need to reinvent themselves every now and then...change hair tone, wear the hair differently change makeup shades etc...otherwise they may seem boring after a while to some superficial people...seeming boring may ruin relationships, prevent or delay promotions at many superficial people out there....society is not fair and is a twat
i totally get you...i'm sure the people of the north are nice...except those twats that like/play in nsbm bands...there's nothing that i hate more than racism.

I bet you hate them as they want the holocaust of your people btw once I read nsbm bands supporting muslim terrorism against Israel and then they preach white supremacism which seems a contradiction to me, once asked to one of the frontman of these bands he said "we choose the lesser evil" :zombie:
girls and boys are different regarding artficial looks enhancement...guys dye their hair less than girls, guys usually don't wear makeup, guys don't get fake boobs unless they have a gender disorder which they are born with(girl in a boy's body).
girls have a need to reinvent themselves every now and then...change hair tone, wear the hair differently change makeup shades etc...otherwise they may seem boring after a while to some superficial people...seeming boring may ruin relationships, prevent or delay promotions at many superficial people out there....society is not fair and is a twat

I never wear make up and I keep my hair long and straight. I only dyed it so I could feel a little bit feminine as I apparently look like a man. It's a shame because it means I'm never going to get a man properly, but oh well who cares.
I never wear make up and I keep my hair long and straight. I only dyed it so I could feel a little bit feminine as I apparently look like a man. It's a shame because it means I'm never going to get a man properly, but oh well who cares.

well i kind of have the same problem...the other way around figure is a bit girly(not my bum though...thank god)...i was often mistaken for a girl from behind when i had long hair.but with that long hair and that girly figure found me my girlfriend...actually it was my communication skills but what i'm basicly here to say is that looks aren't everything and to some looks play a very small role in picking a not all is lost if you think your looks are a disadvantage for you. and besides i'm sure you're just being paranoid about looking for blond hair...doesn't make you more feminine...just makes you prettier and might accent your eyes if they're blue or green.

and for the cherry on the cake...i've seen the photos you posted here and you are kind of another universe where i'm a single englishman, i'd totally take you out
I bet you hate them as they want the holocaust of your people btw once I read nsbm bands supporting muslim terrorism against Israel and then they preach white supremacism which seems a contradiction to me, once asked to one of the frontman of these bands he said "we choose the lesser evil" :zombie:

is that the lesser evil that's responsible for 9/11 or the 7/7 bombings(london)?:rolleyes:
my people is everyone that treats me as a human being. i hate neonazis because
a. they are supporting an ideology that got millions killed and was supposed to last a 1000 years and ended by hitler on fire in his bunker in 1945.
b. they have nothing to do with themselves except hating other people...not much of a life
c. racism is just like inbred marriage and incest only on a bigger scale...any minor gentecist will say the general idea of procreation is spreading the genes. all racism gives eventually is a retarded human nation inbreeding on itself and making the human race more defective each generation.
well i kind of have the same problem...the other way around figure is a bit girly(not my bum though...thank god)...i was often mistaken for a girl from behind when i had long hair.but with that long hair and that girly figure found me my girlfriend...


yeah, know what that's like. I'm not a big guy either. But MAH PENOR's might cannot be matched!
I never wear make up and I keep my hair long and straight. I only dyed it so I could feel a little bit feminine as I apparently look like a man. It's a shame because it means I'm never going to get a man properly, but oh well who cares.

i look like a man too sometimes, without makeup and dressed in a certain way.
but who cares, i don't care about people's thoughts.
i feel good the way i dress and behave.
last year i was nearly stopped by the police, who followed me slowly with the car ( i was walking) for behind. i was wearing a leather jacket, tight jeans and high boots. then they moved closer to me at my side, they saw i was a girl, and i suppose they must have thought "no she's not a criminal" because they passed away with stopping me :lol::lol::lol:
I never wear make up and I keep my hair long and straight. I only dyed it so I could feel a little bit feminine as I apparently look like a man. It's a shame because it means I'm never going to get a man properly, but oh well who cares.

If you want to be feminine wear a little makeup, not lots but a tad. Men like that it make girls look attractive makes them glow so to say.