Alec's Tavern : The Frost Blast

Does that mean that women dig turds????

**takes a crap in a bowl to show it to the next potential female victim**

That makes no sense.:D Actually it's a typical kind of reply to people blasting Gene.:) There's a lot of women out there who'll dig anyone as long as he has money.;) It doesn't make these people any less 'turdy'.:D 'Oh that Gene must be one helluva guy, women want him for his money!':D He's the most pompous asshole on the planet.
Yes. YES.


Somewhere, Mr. V is reading this, and slowly shaking his head.

I doubt he is, he hasn't posted anything in quite while:erk:

KISS-worst band ever. Although it did result in that movie detroit rock city, which I thought was quite funny.
A little festival report:
Just came from Sweden Rock Festival and it was a blast. :kickass: Five days of heavy drinking took it's toll and I'm now more corpse than human.
At The Gates were fucking marvellous! One of the best concerts I've ever seen. The sound was perfect, the weather was perfect and everyone in the band seemed to love it as well.
The guys in Carcass looked a bit bored during their gig and mr. Walker's growls became very dull (to say the least) after a while. Other than that, the gig was pretty ok.
Ministry was good. I'm definitly not a big fan, but they did their thing alright.
Then I also saw Mustasch, which only was clicheéd and embarrising. Unfortunatly, I was waaaaaay too drunk when Judas Priest started, so I missed their whole concert, but my sources said it was only an average performance and wasn't too much to be excited about.

One more free day and then it's straight back to work... :cry:
Yeah, my hopes aren't too high for Judas Priest when they're coming to Australia in June. I would LOVE to see At the Gates. Speaking of old-school Swedish metal bands, Dismember is coming to Australia.
Rivfadír;7307721 said:
If one band could ever truly be called overrated, it's Kiss.

Gene Simmons is the biggest turd in the universe. I DESPISE Gene Simmons.

Kiss suuuuuuuuuucks
they're so bad!!!!

KISS-worst band ever.

Ha, hate them all you want, I still say it was one magnificent show they gave us! Why doesn't more bands put on those larger-than-life, vulgar, yes almost decadent shows with fireworks, big speakers and flying drumkits???
I know it's a circus, but dammit! I had fun! :rock:
Ha, hate them all you want, I still say it was one magnificent show they gave us! Why doesn't more bands put on those larger-than-life, vulgar, yes almost decadent shows with fireworks, big speakers and flying drumkits???
I know it's a circus, but dammit! I had fun! :rock:


there's no accounting for taste, i am not judging you! ;)

what's important is that you have fun, and that you like it. there is definitely something about flashy fireworks that brings a twinkle to the eyes!
Well, as long as this is still the 'talk about whatever you want' thread, here goes.

I visited my first brewery the other evening, Terrapin Beer Company in Athens, GA. It was awesome, not because the tour was interesting, but because we got to drink beer right from where it's made! My friend and I got fairly intoxicated, but that's why his wife was there to drive us. Now the Jack Daniels Distiller, that was an interesting tour. Unfortunately I was by myself and had no one to make jokes with.

Enjoying a nice Belgian ale right now, a Delirium Nocturnum. This is a great beer. I love this beer.

Man, I have no desire to go to work tonight.
Last week I found out that a girl I was/am in love with also felt the same way about me, so that was overwhelming. Too bad there's a HUGE downside to this, that being that she's married now (and wants to get out of that marriage because it's shitty, shitty, shitty). *sigh* So I guess I'll be patient.

Or you can be a homewrecker. SOMETIMES YOU GOTTA DO WHAT YOU GOTTA DO
Germany is gonna win the cup today, ain't it? :D

Auf gehts Deutschland!


I've been pimping this banner on forums ever since the Euro began, hopefully my prediction will come true tonight!:)
Auf gehts Deutschland!


I've been pimping this banner on forums ever since the Euro began, hopefully my prediction will come true tonight!:)

Now it's over and Spain is the winner :/ Okay, they played the better football, but anyway it's sad :(

It's cool that you as a Slovenian love the German team. How come?
Because my country isn't in it.:D And I've been a big fan of Bayern München for the past almost 10 years, so being a Germany fan in these big competitions (when Slovenia ain't in them) comes almost naturally to me. Every football fan here in my country had their favorite, mine just happens to be Germany.:) Unfortunately the level of national football here has dropped a lot in the last couple of years. We're never gonna win any medals, but I would at least like to see Slovenia qualify again... Slovenia is still the smallest country to have qualified for the World Cup, which they did in 2002. We were also in Euro 2000, but that's about it sadly.