Alec's Tavern : The Frost Blast

Qu Appelle: If you ever get that essay written, be sure to post me when it's done. I'd love to read it. :)

Oh, it's years away, believe me.

So far, this is my timeline:

Next month - visit a couple of schools. Find out how I can apply.
Next spring or fall - start classes. At least start one class, see if this is something that is my path. So, it's a while yet. But that is an interesting idea I've had kicking around.
I don't know, I think the biggest hypocrites around are those blackleather-clad gentlemen proclaiming "Hail Satan! We hate religion!"

Most of those guys are as ignorant as the people they criticise they know? I guess they just want to look cool or somethimg :rolleyes: .

You know, the Theological Roots of Black Metal would be a fascinating thing to research and write about....:rock:

Certainly, I'm sure there will be lots of Paganism involved.

I'm happy people all over Europe are starting to turn to at least Agnosticism if not Atheism. Means there's still hope for humanity. Means people aren't as stupid as they once were and are questioning everything around them more and more. In science we trvst! Great, that 'religion' isn't 'cool'. I'm happy to hear that!:D Yay for Germany then.:) More and more Atheists over here as well. I love it.:) It's fucking 2008 anyway! Not the middle-fucking-ages. About damn time people started letting go of empty delusions.

Cheers to that :kickass: .

I think religion can be quite interesting to read about, although I read about it in the same way I would any other type of folk-lore or old tales. I don't believe in it, but can still be fascinated about how many people it has / still affects to this day. I've never been a religious man, and have never believed the tales, but do sometimes wonder exactly where the ideas originate from. I recently read a very interesting book which I sadly can't remember the exact title of, but it was something like "The secret of the Dead Sea scrolls". It was about how the Vatican has tried their hardest to cover everything up about their content, and what they could possibly say that can be so harmful to them.

Oh, and where does Woden/Wotan come from? Is it the German language version or what?


Oh yeah I read that too. It mentions Maria Magdalene if I'm not mistaken. Also Lillith (who was apparently the 1st woman on Earth, not Eve. Or Adam's 1st wife or something). Also that the Devil's number (:rolleyes:) is 616, not 666.

Well, Odin has a lot of names, the differences are basically concerning the language in which the name was used. He/it can be called, Odin, Oden, Wotan, Woten, and... those are the ones that I remember right now :p .
I'm happy people all over Europe are starting to turn to at least Agnosticism if not Atheism. Means there's still hope for humanity. Means people aren't as stupid as they once were and are questioning everything around them more and more. In science we trvst! Great, that 'religion' isn't 'cool'. I'm happy to hear that!:D Yay for Germany then.:) More and more Atheists over here as well. I love it.:) It's fucking 2008 anyway! Not the middle-fucking-ages. About damn time people started letting go of empty delusions.

Well, someone, I think it was Einstein but I'm not quite sure, said that you, if you are engaged in science just sketchy, you will lose the belief in God but the more you "dive" into the matter the more you will believe in him.
That's another point of view. Religion and science don't have to conflict.

Oh, and where does Woden/Wotan come from? Is it the German language version or what?

Woden is the English version, that's where the word "wednesday" comes from. In German it is Wotan or Wodan, depending on where the sources are from. Woden/Wodan/Wotan/Wuotan/what the fuck ever and Odin/Oden are basically the same "person" if it is possible to say that, cause Germanic and Norse religion was never written down in the early phases so beliefs differ regionally. But at least the words "Woden" and "Oden" are cognates. The loss of "w" is a common thing in the North Germanic languages, cf. eng. "to swim", ger. "schwimmen" vs. swe. "simma", eng. "to wish", ger. "wünschen" vs. swe. "önska".
Woden is the English version, that's where the word "wednesday" comes from. In German it is Wotan or Wodan, depending on where the sources are from. Woden/Wodan/Wotan/Wuotan/what the fuck ever and Odin/Oden are basically the same "person" if it is possible to say that, cause Germanic and Norse religion was never written down in the early phases so beliefs differ regionally. But at least the words "Woden" and "Oden" are cognates.

Thanks. I had guessed it was different names of the same divinity, though I was just not sure which language they originated from. It surprises me to hear that Woden is the English version, I was convinced that they also used Odin, same as in Danish. Lots of bands use Odin at least, but that may be because they want to use the "original" then, I suppose.
Thanks. I had guessed it was different names of the same divinity, though I was just not sure which language they originated from. It surprises me to hear that Woden is the English version, I was convinced that they also used Odin, same as in Danish. Lots of bands use Odin at least, but that may be because they want to use the "original" then, I suppose.

Most bands are from Scandinavia so it is obvious that they use Odin. But that name might have been used in England aswell due to heavy viking influences on the British culture(s) throughout the middle ages.
Well, someone, I think it was Einstein but I'm not quite sure, said that you, if you are engaged in science just sketchy, you will lose the belief in God but the more you "dive" into the matter the more you will believe in him.
That's another point of view. Religion and science don't have to conflict.

Yes they do. They're mutually exclusive. Religion is holding the progress of science back. Nutters who are against stem cell research and so forth. They're holding our species back. If religion was something you'd have to keep for yourself and practise it in your own home, then sure, it wouldn't conflict with science. But religion how it is, at least the major ones, conflict with everything, every day. The whole thing's simply beyond me. I cannot for the life of me comprehend, how religion is still so widespread and important to so many people in this day and age. I can understand why our ancestors required religion, supernatural divinities are the primitive's answer for why the sun goes down at night. But why NOW still? It's... insanity on a gargantuan scale. But it's changing for the better. Slowly but surely. So either one day, religion will be no more, or more likely, religion will be the death of us all. Christian nuts on one side and Muslim nuts on the other, nobody's afraid of death, everybody believes in some sort of heaven. Big boom on the way.

[ame=]Interesting video.[/ame]
I don't feel strongly either way, as I'm the most apathetic atheist on the face of the planet... but science and religion don't necessarily have to compete with each other. That they do has far, far more to do with politics and culture than it does with the conflict between faith and logic. I know plenty of people who strictly separate their faith, which has to do with their spirituality, from their reason (and their politics).

I do think, though, that we're too narrow on how we define religious fundamentalists... spirituality has no place in the public sphere, and to me religion has always been an attempt to spread particular values and political control under the guise of spirituality. To me, a fundamentalist is anyone who advocates the adoption of religious values or ethics to any realm of public life. At the same time, I think it's important to recognize that most human beings are spiritual beings, regardless of whether or not they're indoctrinated into religious beliefs. What's tragic is not that religion taps into this, but that it usually does so for cynical and self-serving reasons.
Woden is the English version, that's where the word "wednesday" comes from. In German it is Wotan or Wodan, depending on where the sources are from. Woden/Wodan/Wotan/Wuotan/what the fuck ever and Odin/Oden are basically the same "person" if it is possible to say that, cause Germanic and Norse religion was never written down in the early phases so beliefs differ regionally. But at least the words "Woden" and "Oden" are cognates. The loss of "w" is a common thing in the North Germanic languages, cf. eng. "to swim", ger. "schwimmen" vs. swe. "simma", eng. "to wish", ger. "wünschen" vs. swe. "önska".

Wow great info, thanks a lot! :)
Well it was just a good day in general :) . I got some new glasses, shaved my goatee ( :hypno: ), got a new cd and my ticket to Sodom's concert :) . I really didn't want to go to downtown San José twice, but my girlfriend insisted, and in the end it turned out quite well.

The headphones of my iPod went kaputt though, I'll have to buy new ones :ill: .
Well it was just a good day in general :) . I got some new glasses, shaved my goatee ( :hypno: ), got a new cd and my ticket to Sodom's concert :) . I really didn't want to go to downtown San José twice, but my girlfriend insisted, and in the end it turned out quite well.

The headphones of my iPod went kaputt though, I'll have to buy new ones :ill: .

And this is enough to make you, and I quote; "very, very happy"?
I guess should start cherish the little things in life then... :p
where is your hair gone???? :hypno::yow::guh::eek::confused:

seems that i'm not visiting the forum from ages

I visit this place almost daily, don't write too often though.
My hair went the other night. Shaved it all off and it feels good as hell. Though I miss having long hair sometimes, it's all worth it in the end. It was always in the way at work, while sleeping and eating and it just became too much trouble.
I visit this place almost daily, don't write too often though.
My hair went the other night. Shaved it all off and it feels good as hell. Though I miss having long hair sometimes, it's all worth it in the end. It was always in the way at work, while sleeping and eating and it just became too much trouble.

i'm envying you at the moment....38° degrees of hotness today and long hair as mr v at the golden age!

i'm going to suicide myself in few minutes :ill:

oh yes i forgot, i work in the hell's kitchen (i suppose there were nearly 45° at lunch time)