Alec's Tavern : The Frost Blast

Actually the Dalai Lama came here to CR once and my sister met and talked to him. She was like "Oh the Dalai Lama this, the Dalai Lama that..." bla bla bla. I was like ok..., he;s just a regular guy who preaches a lot of peace, but in the end he's pretty much a politician :rolleyes: .
I just bought a couple of tickets for the Paradise Lost/My Dying Bride/Anathema show in London September 19th. Me and some friends are really looking forward to this concert, but there's something bothering me...

Not sure if anyone here can help me out, but this place where the concert will take place, The Forum, has anyone here been there? The thing is that the only tickets left were "upstairs" and I'm not quite sure wether they'll have two entrances to the show, or if you can sneak down to get closer to the bands. The tickets says it's a sitting area, but I sure as hell don't wanna sit down for 3 entire concerts. Anyone here ever been to The Forum and can help me confirm or deny this?

Thanks in advance.
No problem really. As for 'China bad, free Tibet'... That's a bunch of horse shit.

I had a couple of friends give me a hard time about wanting to watch the Olympics - but I do so anyways. Like with anything, if you don't want to do it, then don't do it - but don't try to coerce others into your position. Because it's the OLYMPICS, which I've loved since I was a kid. Plus, the athletes shouldn't be punished for the sins of the host country.

I especially like Equestrian and Weightlifting :rock:
I especially like Equestrian and Weightlifting :rock:

How very feminine yet manly of you!:D

I just watch the sports which have my nation's sportsmen and women in them. Don't care about the rest, except tennis maybe. I very much enjoyed the opening ceremony as well.

I do believe China is the worst place in the world to have the Olympics.

Egg's Plane? Is it the bad air?:S
I just bought a couple of tickets for the Paradise Lost/My Dying Bride/Anathema show in London September 19th. Me and some friends are really looking forward to this concert, but there's something bothering me...

Not sure if anyone here can help me out, but this place where the concert will take place, The Forum, has anyone here been here? The thing is that the only tickets left were "upstairs" and I'm not quite sure wether they'll have two entrances to the show, or if you can sneak down to get closer to the bands. The tickets says it's a sitting area, but I sure as hell don't wanna sit down for 3 entire concerts. Anyone here ever been to The Forum and can help me confirm or deny this?

Thanks in advance.

Hmmm let me see... the concerts that I went to in England where @ Mean Fiddler (Sabaton, Grave Digger, Therion) and Earl's Court (Maiden, for free!) so nope I can't help you. I don't think there'll be two line-ups though, unless the ticket you have is a V.I.P. or something like that :rolleyes: .

I had a couple of friends give me a hard time about wanting to watch the Olympics - but I do so anyways. Like with anything, if you don't want to do it, then don't do it - but don't try to coerce others into your position. Because it's the OLYMPICS, which I've loved since I was a kid. Plus, the athletes shouldn't be punished for the sins of the host country.

I especially like Equestrian and Weightlifting :rock:

The Olympics are not really shown here, we just get summaries of the major events. I do like to watch them though :) .

I do believe China is the worst place in the world to have the Olympics.

Well maybe not the "worst," but controversial I'd say. Still, it's the worst for the athletes because of the contamination :zombie: .

And I agree, destroying those house was something terrible.

The opening ceremony was über-nice though :) .
Hmmm let me see... the concerts that I went to in England where @ Mean Fiddler (Sabaton, Grave Digger, Therion) and Earl's Court (Maiden, for free!) so nope I can't help you. I don't think there'll be two line-ups though, unless the ticket you have is a V.I.P. or something like that :rolleyes: .

Ok, thanks anyway :rolleyes:. Nah, no V.I.P. just wanted to have a "real" ticket instead of one where you're supposed to sit down. WTF is up with that anyway?
Wow, today's actually been pretty great, even though the odds from the beginning were that it would suck. Got three hours of sleep, got up at 7.30 to go to work at the daycare center where I take care of kids aged <2. We're understaffed due to a shortage of people wanting to work in child care and due to vacations. The pedagogue who was left had to take care of a new kid who has to get used to being there so it was up to me and another temp to take care of 10 little children. This girl who I had to work with is quite sweet but nearly as dumb as a brick.
Didn't have a smoke until four hours into my shift, which led to me being quite irritable and edgy. And short-tempered. Which are quite bad when you work with children who are too small to understand that they being annoying as fuck and pissing me off.
Well, through coffee and deep breaths, I managed to make it to lunch after which the children are put out to take a nap. During this time some of us have a break while the others stay behind to listen over the baby alarm if any children wake up and do other stuff like cleaning up and various practical stuff. The children are divided into groups and when the break is on we hang out in the same room to listen to them and clothe and change those who wake up.
In the other group there is this girl working there who's really sweet and quite cute, and we've talked quite a bit. Well, we talked today as well (after I had my smoke, thank God) and it ended up with me getting her number. And asking her to hang out tomorrow.

So during the afternoon and evening we talked back and forth on text messages and I'm getting a really good vibe from this. Which is awesome.
That's the first good thing. Later I completed Army of Two with a friend which, while nothing spectacular, was still quite fun and a good way to spend and evening.
The last good thing that happened is that I made peace with my ex and started talking with her again. All this negativity I was feeling connected to her has almost disappeared and that's good. It was getting me down.

So, it was a decent day, and tomorrow's hopefully gonna be even better.

By now, I imagine a lot of people are gonna go "tl;dr", so here's a summary. I'm happy and I got a cute chick's number.

Btw Defiance: Do you like Cult of Luna?
Rivfadír;7524345 said:
Wow, today's actually been pretty great, even though the odds from the beginning were that it would suck. Got three hours of sleep, got up at 7.30 to go to work at the daycare center where I take care of kids aged <2. We're understaffed due to a shortage of people wanting to work in child care and due to vacations. The pedagogue who was left had to take care of a new kid who has to get used to being there so it was up to me and another temp to take care of 10 little children. This girl who I had to work with is quite sweet but nearly as dumb as a brick.
Didn't have a smoke until four hours into my shift, which led to me being quite irritable and edgy. And short-tempered. Which are quite bad when you work with children who are too small to understand that they being annoying as fuck and pissing me off.
Well, through coffee and deep breaths, I managed to make it to lunch after which the children are put out to take a nap. During this time some of us have a break while the others stay behind to listen over the baby alarm if any children wake up and do other stuff like cleaning up and various practical stuff. The children are divided into groups and when the break is on we hang out in the same room to listen to them and clothe and change those who wake up.
In the other group there is this girl working there who's really sweet and quite cute, and we've talked quite a bit. Well, we talked today as well (after I had my smoke, thank God) and it ended up with me getting her number. And asking her to hang out tomorrow.

So during the afternoon and evening we talked back and forth on text messages and I'm getting a really good vibe from this. Which is awesome.
That's the first good thing. Later I completed Army of Two with a friend which, while nothing spectacular, was still quite fun and a good way to spend and evening.
The last good thing that happened is that I made peace with my ex and started talking with her again. All this negativity I was feeling connected to her has almost disappeared and that's good. It was getting me down.

So, it was a decent day, and tomorrow's hopefully gonna be even better.

By now, I imagine a lot of people are gonna go "tl;dr", so here's a summary. I'm happy and I got a cute chick's number.

Btw Defiance: Do you like Cult of Luna?

I did read all the message, are the kids you work with abandoned or is it a day-care? Do people abandon a lot of kids in Denmark?

And I've liked what I've heard of Cult of Luna (like 2 songs :p ).

Damn sugar is getting to me, I can't work :ill: :waah: .
Thanks Draug.

Defiance: No, it's just day-care. There aren't that many abandoned kids in Denmark, though we have our share of troubled youths.
Regarding Cult of Luna, I'm gonna be uploading all of it for one of my friends soon (a hip-hopper who I took to the concert who fell in love with the band), I can give you the torrent-link as well.
Rivfadír;7524345 said:
Didn't have a smoke until four hours into my shift, which led to me being quite irritable and edgy. And short-tempered. Which are quite bad when you work with children who are too small to understand that they being annoying as fuck and pissing me off.

Time to quit, maybe? :Saint:

Ha ha, no, seriously, that sounds sweet. Good luck to ya. :kickass:
Rivfadír said:
Didn't have a smoke until four hours into my shift, which led to me being quite irritable and edgy. And short-tempered. Which are quite bad when you work with children who are too small to understand that they being annoying as fuck and pissing me off.

Start using Snus.
I used snus when I worked a place that didn't let you smoke. Seven-hour days with no breaks = fail.

The thing is, I fucking love smoking. So I'm not gonna quit right now. That is what quitting for nine months last year (some of you may remember it) made me realise.

EDIT: So, was hanging out with that girl tonight. She's pretty sweet and I like her and we get along pretty good, but I don't think I'm goona pursue this. We're too different. She's this happy-go-lucky party girl, I'm not really into that. Going dancing's not my idea of a good time. And getting dragged to parties filled with gelled-up (or bald) retards most certainly isn't either.
Sucks, but it's alright. I don't need a girl right now anyways. Sometimes, it's just good to be on your own.
Rivfadír;7525596 said:
Thanks Draug.

Defiance: No, it's just day-care. There aren't that many abandoned kids in Denmark, though we have our share of troubled youths.
Regarding Cult of Luna, I'm gonna be uploading all of it for one of my friends soon (a hip-hopper who I took to the concert who fell in love with the band), I can give you the torrent-link as well.

Ah ok. Ah well troubled youths are in everywhere :p , do they have a lot of alcoholism problems and suicidal tendencies like in Finland?

Thanks I can't wait! I'm getting a 1TB drive so now I can start recovering all the music I had to erase due to lack of space (my hard drive is only 80G, certainly not enough :erk: ).