Alec's Tavern : The Frost Blast

Man, these Olympics are fantastic! Another medal for us today, five total now. We were first in medals per capita yesterday, we've improved our position today. One medal per every 401542,2 now. Sure it doesn't equal China and USA's medal count and so forth, but hey, only 2 million of us.;(
Rivfadír;7533457 said:
Muggings, stabbings, beatings. Mostly among these young people themselves.

So it's something like *insert Kind-Diamondish accent*:

"You fucked my girl right?"

"What are you talking about?"
"Admit it!"

*shoots him*

Or something like that?

Man, these Olympics are fantastic! Another medal for us today, five total now. We were first in medals per capita yesterday, we've improved our position today. One medal per every 401542,2 now. Sure it doesn't equal China and USA's medal count and so forth, but hey, only 2 million of us.;(

Cool, I'm glad you've at least won one :kickass: . Costa Rica, on the other hand :ill: . This guy, Nery Brenes actually did a decent job (he's a runner) and made it to the semi-finals, but ended up in 4th place there. Oh well, he's still very young, so we'll see next time :Smokin: .
So it's something like *insert Kind-Diamondish accent*:

"You fucked my girl right?"

"What are you talking about?"
"Admit it!"

*shoots him*

Or something like that?

Well, apart from the shooting, that might be right.
Or it could be as simple as this:

"Hey, 5 friends.

You see the way that one guy was looking at us?/Was dressed?/walked right over there? Let's kick his brains out"

A couple of months ago, a young man was beaten to death in Copenhagen because he refused to hand over his beanie/hat to some other guys.
Man, these Olympics are fantastic! Another medal for us today, five total now. We were first in medals per capita yesterday, we've improved our position today. One medal per every 401542,2 now. Sure it doesn't equal China and USA's medal count and so forth, but hey, only 2 million of us.;(

I think the US has 1 medal per 5 million people. So you're doing much better than us!

I was also happy to see that Mongolia got their first gold medal *ever*, in Judo. :rock:
Five!:P We're young as well, Slovenia's been independant for 18 years nwo.

Awesome! :worship:

Rivfadír;7534525 said:
Well, apart from the shooting, that might be right.
Or it could be as simple as this:

"Hey, 5 friends.

You see the way that one guy was looking at us?/Was dressed?/walked right over there? Let's kick his brains out"

A couple of months ago, a young man was beaten to death in Copenhagen because he refused to hand over his beanie/hat to some other guys.

Wow, serious stuff :hypno: . Although I guess that happens everywhere, you probably make a big deal about because that's the biggest social problem (I'm just guessing here, I would gladly like to know other social problems you might have).

And I mean, you have LEGOS. Fucking LEGOS lad! I love Legos, I grew up building them, and every now and then I buy a set :) (because I mostly buy cds nowadays, but I'm actually getting tired of that, I've been buying cds for like 4 years. I'm thinking of moving on to comics :cool: .

Just hope the redeem team gets the gold. Lebron James will be my hero forever anyway for calling Bush "pops" to his face.

:hypno: W O W! That's awesome, but what exactly did he mean by "pops"?
It's not the country size that matters, but the amount spent on training athletes and the time the country's athletes invest in training. The U.S. spends gazillions of dollars in training medal winners, China puts scores of athletes through infinite man hours of training, and I'm assuming that Russia's programs are not dissimilar from that of the US, just at a smaller scale. That's why those three countries are in the top medal earners. India has a billion people but they don't have a history of training olympians, nor is there a private or government impulse to train olympic athletes.

In fact, I bet the Slovenian government spent more money training athletes than India did for these Olympics, which explains why they have more medals. ;)
Oh joyous day of days!
I just got my amp back from the repair-shop, and it's in excellent condition! Finally got that sweet sound back that my music and movies deserve. I quite agree with the shops motto; Bad sound kills good movies
And the best part of it was that it didn't cost me very much! Almost half-price of what I had first expected.
Going abroad for the first time in 4 years tomorrow. I can't wait to leave my hometown and breathe some new air.
London is the target and the main reason is My Dying Bride & Anathema supporting Paradise Lost (yes, I wrote those bands in the order I look forward to hearing them).
Don't know if anyone on this forum is interested in this sort of music, but MDB (and partly Anathema) has been favourites of mine for more than 10 years and I've never had the chance to see them live before.
I'll try and post some sort of review/drunken synopsis when I get back monday/tuesday next week.

Man, I'm fucking psyched about this! :rock:
Sounds good, man! Even though I would probably have placed PL first, but this the band (of the three) I have listened to the most. Have seen MDB, and they were pretty good as well. Haven't seen Anathema, don't really know them, but believe I recall seeing one of the guys from that band doing a solo tour at some point a couple of years back. if it was him and from that band, it was pretty cool as well.
Finally started planning a little trip of my own today. Gonna take a plane to Copenhagen and then jump on a train to Kalmar where I'll spend the weekend visiting a friend of mine. Should be fun.