Alec's Tavern : The Frost Blast

Rivfadír;7679425 said:
Oh, well, stay safe down there.

For fun, I never tried it before. Before this summer I'd had long hair for five years, then I cut it off and tried having regular short hair. I had completely forgotten how curly my hair is when it's short, so I thought I'd try it completely short. It's not really shaven, it's about 5mm long.

I had hair that was like... 2 feet long, and then I cut it to chin length. It does feel really weird. I never cut it under that length because, as you said, my hair misbehaves at shorter lengths (not really curls, but I hate when my hair just doesn't fall down like I want it to).

When I was in college, I had it about that long, then I shaved it. Like, just a layer of fuzz. Now THAT was strange.
New Asmegin!! Awesome! 'Hin Vordende...' is one of my all-time favorite folk metal albums, and one of my favorite albums in general. I wonder if the new one can live up to it? Time will tell, I guess. \m/

@Rivfadir: Thanks man. And about the shaved head, I considered shaving mine once, after I had long hair and my dad pressured me to cut it (I was gonna be joining the military anyway). For a few days I thought about just going to the other extreme and having NO hair, but in the end I didn't do it. I'm glad of that, too, 'cause I think I'd have looked very odd without any hair at all.
I've only been here a week, and no, I'm not infantry. I'm not even in the Army. Chances of my getting into a firefight are... well, basically nonexistent, especially considering I don't have a gun. We do a different job altogether, which mostly seems to be 'nothing'. It's also important to remember that this isn't a hostile country; we're merely stationed here, they aren't 'targets' or whatever. Now, if you ask me what ARE we doing here, then the best answer would probably be, 'Nothing we aren't already doing better back in America.' No reason for us to be here that I can see. *sigh*
cool! But will Lazare's vocals be on it, like on the first album?

He's not in the band but I hope he can make at least a guest appearance. Lazare's vocals are just perfect on Asmegin for being replaced for someone or just being dismissed. Without Lars the album will sound empty IMO.
yeah if he wasn't on the first album (I always forget how to correctly write the name of it..), I wouldn't have known them at all. Fortunately I ended up really liking it. heck, I even bought that Carpathian Forest album only because he did the drums on it!
Took my first driving lesson today (first 2 hours of 20,30 if I pass the practical test the first time) and it was pretty fun. Instructor explained everything to me first in front of my house and then I drove for 60,70 mins. So hopefully in a few months time I'll finally have my driver's license (bit late, most of my friends all got it at 18, I'm 22 now:S better late than never I suppose). Already got a car, the 'deathtrap on wheels', Kia Sephia waiting for me in our garage.

Oh and Bayern totally beat Fiorentina last night, hooray!
How are the practise-driving rules in Slovenia? Just curious, cause in Sweden You're allowed to drive with anyone who gets an ok from the government. All they need is to have a clean record for a couple of years, 3 or 4 I believe; but in Denmark you're only allowed to drive with certified driving instructors....
How are the practise-driving rules in Slovenia? Just curious, cause in Sweden You're allowed to drive with anyone who gets an ok from the government. All they need is to have a clean record for a couple of years, 3 or 4 I believe; but in Denmark you're only allowed to drive with certified driving instructors....

Can't over here, gotta drive around with an instructor. Which means that I'm going to fork over at least 500€ for this.:/ Best case scenario probably. 25€ per lesson and I'm gonna need at least 20, a couple more probably. Hopefully I'll pass my practical test the first time. If I don't I'm going to have to buy more lessons.:/ Total spent so far... 40€ for a medical check up (yikes!), 90€ for a couple lessons in theory + test and a certificate (too expensive, fucking dicks), 40€ for the first aid course and certificate... 170€ thus far. Gonna go buy my first ten driving lessons next week.:S 700, 800€ minimum all together when I'm done. At least the car I got was fucking free!:D
Still cheaper than mine, I paid somewhere around 1100 euros in total, tests and all. Then again, it was an intensive course, it took me a week in driving school, then I had my lisence. Best way to do it, in my opinion.

Well that's just in the part of Slovenia where I live IMO. A friend just told me how in Ljubljana (our capital city), most people need like 40,50 lessons. So it quickly jumps over one K. No idea why it's so different, Slovenia ain't that big.:D
Can't over here, gotta drive around with an instructor. Which means that I'm going to fork over at least 500€ for this.:/ Best case scenario probably. 25€ per lesson and I'm gonna need at least 20, a couple more probably. Hopefully I'll pass my practical test the first time. If I don't I'm going to have to buy more lessons.:/ Total spent so far... 40€ for a medical check up (yikes!), 90€ for a couple lessons in theory + test and a certificate (too expensive, fucking dicks), 40€ for the first aid course and certificate... 170€ thus far. Gonna go buy my first ten driving lessons next week.:S 700, 800€ minimum all together when I'm done. At least the car I got was fucking free!:D

20 lessons or more?
you will be able to guide with closed eyes then. :hypno:
in italy you have to take at least 10 lessons for the italian law then you are able to try to pass the exam (if you're not ready of course you can have more lessons, but you decide, for the law the minimum is 10)
i took 7 lessons only 'cause i knew the instructor and he noticed i was ready for the exam even if i made less lessons than usual.
i spent something like 175 euro for 7 lessons.
for the theory i studied alone, or i would pay other 500 € to go to a driving school. i took the book on which i had to study, and then i went to the traffic control authority to make all documents i needed and after a month i gave there my exam and passed it at the first time, paying only 80 euro instead of 500 €
so i spent in all less then 300 euro.

same for motorcycle driving licence. i didn't need to give a theory exame again cause i had already a driving licence so i only did the practice, 3 lessons and then the exam.
I had... one lesson, and my friend taught me how to parallel park the day before in front of my house. I passed my driving test by one point.

You can't bribe the instructors in PR, but if you have to in order to pass, you shouldn't be on the road anyway. You'll be in a car accident by your first day, because it's a pretty stressful place to drive.