Alec's Tavern : The Frost Blast

Thanks man! You have some gems there as well. Such as the promo of Arcturus "The Sham Mirrors" and your Empyrium-collection.

Thanks a lot! :) I bought the Arcturus promo at Neseblod in Oslo (they pretty much have anything you;d ever want to buy there hehe).

I ordered the Empyrium box from their Label (Prophecy Productions). They have great titles at great prices, but what a bloody slow shipping!!!!! It took more than two months to get to me! It doesn't matter that I live in CR, I've ordered from Germany and the package has taken less than two weeks to arrive! (Usually it's 3 weeks though). A friend who also lives in Deutschland says that they're pretty slow, since he ordered and it like 3 weeks to arrive! That's very slow considering how fast the German postal system is.

Vintersorg announced an autograph-session after their show in Bengtsfors, Sweden in 2003 so I brought my collection with me of course. Sadly, I felt like a complete idiot once I got home and realized that I forgot to bring my two Otyg-records to be signed as well. I mean, there were two people right in front of me who had participated on those two records - damit! :erk:

Well, to be honest that doesn't suck too much. Really, you got your Vintersorg CDs signed!!! That's everyone's wet dream over here! I even went to Norway and didn't meet him :( (stupid me, I should've contacted him).

Hehe, well you seem to have a thing or two for the Gathering right? :p I kind of lost interest in them after "if_then_else", but some of their earlier records are great. And please, tell me that you also feel that "Nighttime Birds" is incredibly better than the over-hyped "Mandylion" - 'cause I seem to be the only one with this opinion...

Hehe yeah I'm a TG fan-boy, I post at their forum as "Jester." I really like all of their albums, but if_then_Else is certainly one of their best (top 4 IMO).

Hmmm well I'm not sure, I really like NTB, I love the ethnic stuff! (e.g. the drums at the beginning of the title song). As you know I write reviews of various CDs, and even though I haven't written about NB nor Mandylion (hey there's no review of that on the web-page! I'll do it!), I believe that the latter is much better. As Hans has stated, NB was more of an "obligatory release" (due to the fame achieved with Mandylion), so it was kind of a rushed job IMO. It's still awesome though :rock: .

He he, I was in that line as well! :rock: Actually, he started speaking on his mobile right before we got to the front, but I did get all my stuff signed. Otyg included :blush:

Lucky you! :rock: (Too bad about the hoodie though :p ).

Sarry for changing the topic, but: Is someone able to tell me what's really going on in Greece? I mean, shooting a 15-year-old may be the reason for all that rioting but for sure not the ultimate cause, is it?

Well I don't know much to be honest, only that the kid was shot and everyone went berserk.

Like this:


Sorry about that :p, I'll write something if I find out anything.
^ BERSERK!!! :worship:

I know, it's simply great!

But to behonest, thew story has gotten to far away from the "central" story line (aka The Hawks, Gurifisu vs. Gatsu) for my taste.

I have read up till the latest chapter (300), and 301 was released yesterday! I'll download it later because I've got to go :p . Anyhow, the story with the Arabs is really good, but I'm starting to wonder if we'll ever see the ending of the series, it seems so far away from being completed! :mad: :( .

Here are some links if you want to download them:,series,berserk (you've to register)

And obviously the masters, they were the 1st that started to translate this manga (I know Japanese anyhow, but it's still easier to read it in English :p ):

And that should pretty much cover everything :) . Enjoy!
Seattle is getting it's first snow of the season, and the city is predictably freaking out. It's sticking, no one can drive in it, and it's the top news story. We're also having a cold streak, complete with temperatures down to (brace yourself) 20 degrees F. We barely get below freezing here.

I also made my first snow angel. :)
I don't want to spam or something, but I post here once in a while and I saw that someone did the same so...

My band's demo is available at this location these days, if you like tech death metal check it out (2 songs at myspace

Defiance, hay alguna posibilidad de un review en Metallicos? Estaría muy agradecido :kickass:


Por supuesto, si quieres me puedes mandar el CD físico o un MP3 :) .
Are we still talking about snow? Let's talk about snow again.

I nearly got stranded at work due to a hellish snowstorm that hit Seattle. It took 5 hours to get to work, then I just turned around and headed back, after only staying a couple hours. It's stopped now, but it's still supposed to be bad tomorrow, so I'm not even going in. We got nearly 4" in Seattle, and 7" at work.

We're also supposed to get another snowstorm on Saturday. I have a wedding to go to on Sunday. Time to shop for blizzard-worthy semi-formal wedding clothes. Oh, bother. Luckily my neighborhood has a billion great little restaurants and coffee shops, and I have soup fixings at home. But still. Bother.
I have old you before. Now I am out of the army. It was quiet boring (yeah, really!). But it was an experience.
I was not even allowed to tell you, I'm in the army, they tought me afterwards, but who cares? :D
Crying my eyes out at not seeing Amon Amarth again today... Four days of Bloodshed Over Bochum is officially over, and I want them back! ZUGABE (or however it is you Germans say it)

Cool note; on the third day I had the time of my life at the metal disco afterparty as they played Trollslottet and then a short time later, the last song for the evening; Till Fjälls!
Man, was I in a good mood right then and there!
Too bad I wasn't there. Sounds really awesome! And it's only 40km or something from where I live...
Otyg and Vintersorg played in a disco and at one evening. Epic! :)
40K's? You should be spanked to death with a wet noodle for not going, it was THE most amazing new years ever! Actually, nobody seemed to give a f*ck about it being new years, we were just metal!!!! Haven't quite stopped climbing the walls yet, and I think people at work found me a bit odd, saying stuff life Death In Fire and Bloodshed every once in a while...
It was just below 700 km for me, but I met people who flew in from Brazil and Australia and stuff just to see it. That is :kickass:
My apologies on behalf of the entire United States of America.

BTW, you weren't affected by that earthquake that Costa Rica had, were you? I hope not.

Do not worry, I just like to flame gringos. Like everywhere, there are stupid and smart people, but since Gringo-land is such a powerful/influential place, well you get more bashing. But I've met great gringos, I've family there :p .

Oh so you read! I was about to post it here! I personally wasn't affected, I was with my girl at a friend's house that is quite near the epicentre (in San Isidro of Heredia), so the shake was quite big. I usually like earthquakes, but this one scared me a lot, it was quite strong (6.2) and very long (at least 20 seconds). I was shaking a lot due to nervousness, it was at 13:20 CRn time and at 1500 I was still quite nervous. Damn after-shocks! :Smug:

I'm fine, but there was a big general nervousness in the air. Two poor (poor as in money and deserving of pity) girls died, their house was right below a cliff, and the soil went right down into their house. The quake started strong pretty fast, so they couldn't get out. There were a lot of families that live(d) near the epicentre that lost their houses. It's very sad.
Oh so you read! I was about to post it here! I personally wasn't affected, I was with my girl at a friend's house that is quite near the epicentre (in San Isidro of Heredia), so the shake was quite big. I usually like earthquakes, but this one scared me a lot, it was quite strong (6.2) and very long (at least 20 seconds). I was shaking a lot due to nervousness, it was at 13:20 CRn time and at 1500 I was still quite nervous. Damn after-shocks! :Smug:

I'm fine, but there was a big general nervousness in the air. Two poor (poor as in money and deserving of pity) girls died, their house was right below a cliff, and the soil went right down into their house. The quake started strong pretty fast, so they couldn't get out. There were a lot of families that live(d) near the epicentre that lost their houses. It's very sad.

Man, sorry to hear about the deaths.

I read about it, but I first found about it from CNN. I had it on during work in the background, when the earthquake was announced.
Man, sorry to hear about the deaths.

I read about it, but I first found about it from CNN. I had it on during work in the background, when the earthquake was announced.

Thanks for your concern :) . About 4 or 5 people have died, most of them buried, but one died from a heart attack.

And to make things even worse, a fire recently started in the storage room where all the food/supplies for the damaged people were. This sucks.