Alec's Tavern : The Frost Blast

Thanks for your concern :) . About 4 or 5 people have died, most of them buried, but one died from a heart attack.

And to make things even worse, a fire recently started in the storage room where all the food/supplies for the damaged people were. This sucks.

Shit!! very sad indeed! anyway it's good to know that u and u're relatives are fine, but sad the supplies were lost.

Here were a lot of earthquakes too. 2 weeks ago, a 6,0º one left several damages, but luckily no deaths. My own house shaked like it would fell, my lil brother and my mother were shaking by fear... it's good that I'm no afraid of earthquakes and managed to keep some calm on them. 1 week before that, every day was a little eq, so when the big one came I was already prepared.
Shit!! very sad indeed! anyway it's good to know that u and u're relatives are fine, but sad the supplies were lost.

Here were a lot of earthquakes too. 2 weeks ago, a 6,0º one left several damages, but luckily no deaths. My own house shaked like it would fell, my lil brother and my mother were shaking by fear... it's good that I'm no afraid of earthquakes and managed to keep some calm on them. 1 week before that, every day was a little eq, so when the big one came I was already prepared.

I'm glad that you and your family are fine.

The day before the big earthquake there was a small one. For that reason I didn't expect a big one because at least here in C.R., the more "small" earthquakes there are, the less possibility of a big one there is.

Here you can find a link to several articles and images on the earthquake: (Español) (English)
I'm glad that you and your family are fine.

The day before the big earthquake there was a small one. For that reason I didn't expect a big one because at least here in C.R., the more "small" earthquakes there are, the less possibility of a big one there is.

Here you can find a link to several articles and images on the earthquake: (Español) (English)

Shit!! I'm reading the news!

Incendio devora provisiones para damnificados de terremoto.

Un soldador de la Comisión Nacional de Emergencias (CNE) causó una chispa que desencadenó el incendio que, en estos momentos, consume la bodega principal de la CNE
That was pretty stupid (on these moments is when mr Murphy and his law appears)

28.000 personas sin agua tras el terremoto

Según Sancho, el servicio podría reestablecerse para 13.000 de estas personas mañana, porque los problemas son pequeños y se resolverán sustituyendo pequeños tramos de tubería.

Sin embargo, para otras 15.000 personas, el servicio podría regresar “en días o incluso semanas”, porque la tubería fue arrasada junto a la carretera.

28.000 people without water! that's terrible, at least 13.000 will have the service restored tomorrow, but those 15.000 people could be waiting for weeks!! I dunno if on CR the earthquakes are something common, but at least here it is and most of people have stored supplies 'just-in-case'...

Here always has been big earthquakes. until 85's every decade had a big one, so the people here were expected something destructive soon, since on more than 20 years nothing happened.

Even when eq are in theory impossible to predict, some experts said that this year there's a chance of a really destructive eq happens, due the latest activity, even there's a high chance of a Tsunami (if a Tsunami hits here, half of the city will be the new Atlantis... I live on a high hill so I can be safe xD)
Shit!! I'm reading the news!

That was pretty stupid (on these moments is when mr Murphy and his law appears)

28.000 people without water! that's terrible, at least 13.000 will have the service restored tomorrow, but those 15.000 people could be waiting for weeks!! I dunno if on CR the earthquakes are something common, but at least here it is and most of people have stored supplies 'just-in-case'...

Here always has been big earthquakes. until 85's every decade had a big one, so the people here were expected something destructive soon, since on more than 20 years nothing happened.

Even when eq are in theory impossible to predict, some experts said that this year there's a chance of a really destructive eq happens, due the latest activity, even there's a high chance of a Tsunami (if a Tsunami hits here, half of the city will be the new Atlantis... I live on a high hill so I can be safe xD)

Damn Murphy! :mad:

Yes, it's quite worse than I expected. What I also hate is how the media takes this event to increase their ratings. But this is quite common anyhow.

Well, you can certainly say that CR has a lot of earthquakes. Most of them are small, but every now and then you get a very big one (like this).

And nope, people usually don't have a first-aid box (or however you call it). In my house there is some stuff and obviously stored goods, but we're missing some things anyhow.

Well, hopefully a tsunami that big won't hit Chile. I've never been there but it's certainly an example to the rest of Latin-America (in terms of politics and stuff), I;ve met Chilean people and they're very nice (¿cómo estai? :kickass: ), and Chilean food is great (Lomito a lo pobre, churrasco patagónico, etc. :) ).

And The Gathering recorded their latest DVD there :) .
changing argument...

have anybody noticed a strange worring resemblance between havayoth's song "the watcher" and malmsteen's "i'm a viking"???
i've noted it just today :rolleyes:
in reality i'm not a big malmsteen fan :lol:
I think I browsed by these forums a while ago and I somehow stumbled upon a site with translations of Ásmegin and Otyg songs. Now I can't find it anymore, does any of you know the site I'm thinking of? I think the site also had some drawings of trolls and other Scandinavian folklore-creatures.
I think I browsed by these forums a while ago and I somehow stumbled upon a site with translations of Ásmegin and Otyg songs. Now I can't find it anymore, does any of you know the site I'm thinking of? I think the site also had some drawings of trolls and other Scandinavian folklore-creatures.

here you are...i think mantis is involved somehow.....i checked, yes he is :)
yeah I'm the big cheese :kickass: but the drawing are by amf (another die-hard of this forum :rock:)

i like specially those in watercolours...
i think they represent the songs in a incredible way, the feeling, the colours, the scenes...
one of my favourite is the månskogsälvan maybe because i like the song so much :blush:

the drawing recalls me exactly these lyrics every time i'm looking at it:

Där vid månskogens glänta om kvällar hon går
En förtrollande kvinna med sitt snövita hår
Hon sjunger en trollsång och kammar sitt hår
I found a few pictures on the Mandrake site ( ) that might be of interest to some people here.



I was looking there for live dates for them & stumbled across these pictures of Birgit. If you like female fronted metal & you haven't heard of this band then it could be well worth your time to check them out. (If only for her taste in music & clothing. :)) There is one (Costa Rican) guy that's on here occasionally that I have a feeling might like it... ;)


And double yuck! Just woke up, there's like 20 cm of new snow outside.:/ And it's still falling. Makes me want to vomit.='(

here it's raining from....i cannot even remember when it started raining....
there were of course some days of sunlight, but for the last 2 or 3 months it has been raining for nearly all the time...seems like i live a pluvial forest in the monsoon's period :zombie:
later (i'm at work now) i'll post some photos
lefay: although it is not 'fun' when the streets are flooded, your pictures look really beautiful in a way. the light! O.O

Here there is no snow at all. There was in the beginning of January but now it is just freezingly cold. sucks.
I found a few pictures on the Mandrake site ( ) that might be of interest to some people here.



I was looking there for live dates for them & stumbled across these pictures of Birgit. If you like female fronted metal & you haven't heard of this band then it could be well worth your time to check them out. (If only for her taste in music & clothing. :)) There is one (Costa Rican) guy that's on here occasionally that I have a feeling might like it... ;)


Hehe and you were correct my lad :p, I had already heard them and I liked them. Cool shirt too :rock: .

@ Lefay: Cool pics, hang in there with the cold (that goes to all Europeans :) ).