Alec's Tavern : The Frost Blast

20 lessons or more?
you will be able to guide with closed eyes then. :hypno:
in italy you have to take at least 10 lessons for the italian law then you are able to try to pass the exam (if you're not ready of course you can have more lessons, but you decide, for the law the minimum is 10)
i took 7 lessons only 'cause i knew the instructor and he noticed i was ready for the exam even if i made less lessons than usual.
i spent something like 175 euro for 7 lessons.
for the theory i studied alone, or i would pay other 500 € to go to a driving school. i took the book on which i had to study, and then i went to the traffic control authority to make all documents i needed and after a month i gave there my exam and passed it at the first time, paying only 80 euro instead of 500 €
so i spent in all less then 300 euro.

same for motorcycle driving licence. i didn't need to give a theory exame again cause i had already a driving licence so i only did the practice, 3 lessons and then the exam.

Haha, that proofs my prejudices about Italian driving skills :lol:
Haha, that proofs my prejudices about Italian driving skills :lol:

ahaha i can assure you i'm a good driver, i do live in a little city and there're always a lot of problems with parking. streets are narrow and parkings too, i 'm able to park in a such superhuman way that a lot of people from outside the city look at me as i'm an alien. once i did manage to park the car of one of our hotel's client in a parking which was 10 cm longer than the car itself (he tried so many times but he wasn't able), and the car was a station wagon...the man was totally without words....and here there are a lot prejudices against women that drive, they are considered always a he was quite embarassed :lol::lol::lol:

but you're right a lot of italians drive worst than beasts, but most of all in big cities where the traffic is really chaotic.
To be honest, I haven't been many places where people drive well. The worst drivers I've encountered are actually in Washington, DC, especially in the area between DC and Baltimore. Maryland drivers have to be the most aggressive, reckless drivers on the face of the earth. Tailgating in that area is absolutely out of control and the cops rarely pull people over for it. At least back in San Juan, everyone is so paranoid about a sudden stop or crash in front of them that they keep some distance between vehicles. In Maryland you'll be going 75 mph in a 55 mph zone, in the right lane (which is for slower vehicles), and some fucken yokel doing 105 mph will drive right behind you and start flashing their headlights and honking so you'll get out of the way. And this didn't happen to me, like, once. This was every day for the four months I spent there. Fuck Maryland.
ahaha i can assure you i'm a good driver, i do live in a little city and there're always a lot of problems with parking. streets are narrow and parkings too, i 'm able to park in a such superhuman way that a lot of people from outside the city look at me as i'm an alien. once i did manage to park the car of one of our hotel's client in a parking which was 10 cm longer than the car itself (he tried so many times but he wasn't able), and the car was a station wagon...the man was totally without words....and here there are a lot prejudices against women that drive, they are considered always a he was quite embarassed :lol::lol::lol:

but you're right a lot of italians drive worst than beasts, but most of all in big cities where the traffic is really chaotic.

I think, projudices against female drivers are common everywhere especially when it comes to parking. But... I know more girls who are good at parking than guys, including me :lol:

Italy's streets are a mess. If you own an expensive car you should never go the following countries:

- Italy
- Greece!!!
- Spain
- France

I've once been to Greece and what I've seen was... omfg, unbelievable. They have like one highway and it has 2 lanes and one emergency lane but they just drove side by side with 4 cars!!! And Athens...

The funny thing is that you'll see no crashes in the countries listed above whilst on the German autobahn you'll see one every few kilometres! ;)
This was every day for the four months I spent there. Fuck Maryland.

I got my license in Wisconsin, but learned to drive on the East Coast USA, so I drove pretty aggressively. It wasn't until I got back to Wisconsin that I scaled back my driving somewhat, and started driving reasonably again. I miss Wisconsin driving - doddering old Norwegian-Americans named Lars putting along down the highway in their little Toyotas, *exactly* at the speed limit.
To be honest, I haven't been many places where people drive well. The worst drivers I've encountered are actually in Washington, DC, especially in the area between DC and Baltimore. Maryland drivers have to be the most aggressive, reckless drivers on the face of the earth. Tailgating in that area is absolutely out of control and the cops rarely pull people over for it. At least back in San Juan, everyone is so paranoid about a sudden stop or crash in front of them that they keep some distance between vehicles. In Maryland you'll be going 75 mph in a 55 mph zone, in the right lane (which is for slower vehicles), and some fucken yokel doing 105 mph will drive right behind you and start flashing their headlights and honking so you'll get out of the way. And this didn't happen to me, like, once. This was every day for the four months I spent there. Fuck Maryland.

Hehe even if that's pretty serious, again, nothing compared to what happens here. Trucks to your sides, and buses to the front and back? You got it. Drunk drivers? More than enough. People who listen to the fucking regetón with loud speakers? They're a plague.

We're a 3rd world country but that's no excuse, at least there'll be another train soon (hopefully).
Oh you get that shit too in DC gridlock. DC beltway traffic is legendary. I'm used to Puerto Rican traffic jams, which are no joke either, but DC traffic is something out of a movie. I can't imagine who is responsible for the beltway maintenance, but it literally spans two state governments and DC city administration, and there's always construction poorly coordinated with different parts of the beltway. Just imagine... DC is one city squashed between Virginia and Maryland, and the beltway just does this circle around the city (which has all these others cities that are technically not DC but actually are just extensions, like Alexandria, Arlington, etc). And everyone in that region every day migrates in and out of the DC area, but this beltway is run by like three different governments. Throw in crazy drivers and bumper to bumper traffic jams...

Man. Fuck DC. At least it has good public transit. But I go for the archives right outside the city, so I eat the traffic but I need the car... ><
^ Well actually I hate this type of weather. It's actually quite bad to my health, too much dust and humidity for my asthma :Smug: . That, and diabetes doesn't make CR the best place to live to be honest.

I'll definitely move to Canada or Europe, probably the former since I'm half Canadian :) .
Was playing WoW during the summer and when I stopped I forgot to CANCEL my subscription. Found out today (bit late yeah:D) that I'm still paying the fucking subscription.:( For 3 months now. DAMMIT!

Show some respect, for I am Jan, Lord of the Idiots.
Was playing WoW during the summer and when I stopped I forgot to CANCEL my subscription. Found out today (bit late yeah:D) that I'm still paying the fucking subscription.:( For 3 months now. DAMMIT!

Show some respect, for I am Jan, Lord of the Idiots.

Hey, you're not alone!
Same here, also quite playing sometime this summer and I've been completely unaware of this until now. Oh well...
^ I saw your collection Draugen, it's very nice!

I envy the lot of Moonspell and My Dying Bride CDs you've, I have to buy them too :p . Oh, and how did you get the Vintersorge CDs signed? Quite amazing I'd say.
Oh and it's "Gathering" instead of "Gahtering."

Thanks man! You have some gems there as well. Such as the promo of Arcturus "The Sham Mirrors" and your Empyrium-collection.

Vintersorg announced an autograph-session after their show in Bengtsfors, Sweden in 2003 so I brought my collection with me of course. Sadly, I felt like a complete idiot once I got home and realized that I forgot to bring my two Otyg-records to be signed as well. I mean, there were two people right in front of me who had participated on those two records - damit! :erk:

Hehe, well you seem to have a thing or two for the Gathering right? :p I kind of lost interest in them after "if_then_else", but some of their earlier records are great. And please, tell me that you also feel that "Nighttime Birds" is incredibly better than the over-hyped "Mandylion" - 'cause I seem to be the only one with this opinion...
Sarry for changing the topic, but: Is someone able to tell me what's really going on in Greece? I mean, shooting a 15-year-old may be the reason for all that rioting but for sure not the ultimate cause, is it?
Vintersorg announced an autograph-session after their show in Bengtsfors, Sweden in 2003 so I brought my collection with me of course. Sadly, I felt like a complete idiot once I got home and realized that I forgot to bring my two Otyg-records to be signed as well. I mean, there were two people right in front of me who had participated on those two records - damit! :erk:

He he, I was in that line as well! :rock: Actually, he started speaking on his mobile right before we got to the front, but I did get all my stuff signed. Otyg included :blush:

Also saw him there the year after, but with a somewhat sadder story. I was pestering the merch stand all day long asking for Vintersorg stuff, which they said hadn't arrived yet. After some hours I gave up and went to get a hotdog; when I got that one I saw them hanging the The Focusing Blur shirts up and I though to myself that I had to have that hoodie. I just wanted to finish my dog first so I wouldn't get ketchup all over it.
Problem was, two minutes later when I had finished eating, the shirts where sold out! They had brought TWO shirts to the festival, what where they thinking?! :zombie:
Have found it later, but boy was I pissed at myself at that time! :cry: