Alec's Tavern : The Frost Blast

i'm envying you at the moment....38° degrees of hotness today and long hair as mr v at the golden age!

i'm going to suicide myself in few minutes :ill:

oh yes i forgot, i work in the hell's kitchen (i suppose there were nearly 45° at lunch time)

Ouch! I feel with you on this one... :cry:
Eh, there wasn't really anything there to interest me. Death metal's not my thing, I don't know Agnostic Front, but IIRC it's hardcore or punk or somethin, right? The Danish bands, I don't really like.

In other news, salty licorice straight from the freezer is blody awesome.
Rivfadír;7508003 said:
It's godlike. Trust me.

Another thing though, I didn't know you could get salty licorice in The States?

Ikea! :lol:

No, seriously. In every Ikea, there is a little Swedish food shop. They sell them there. I swear, every time I go shopping there, I come home with more food than household supplies! Not only do they have my beloved salty licorice, but they also have my beloved Lingonberry soda, which I was raised on as a kid. And little reindeer caramel chocolates - YUM.

Also, I grew up in Wisconsin, which is heavily populated with Scandinavian-Americans of various types, but mainly Norwegians. (The Swedes were smart and moved to Chicago). So, we had salty licorice, krumkake and other cookies, lefse, lingonberry juice/soda, etc. Hell, the capitol of Wisconsin, Madison, still celebrates Syttende Mai every year!

To change the subject a little...

Hey Slovenians!

I have a friend who just moved to Slovenia. Her knowledge of the language is horrid at best. But, she has a great internet connection, and wants to watch the Olympics online. She's also locked out of the US sites (where she's originally from), due to proxies.

Where can she watch the Olympics online? Thanks!

(Yah, I know - patriotism is evil China bad Free Tibet yadda yadda - but she wants to watch it all.)
No problem really. As for 'China bad, free Tibet'... That's a bunch of horse shit. China indeed are evil, but the cruel and tyrannical Tibetan monks are hardly good. At least China (while sending thousands into labor camps and stomping out as much free speech as possible) brought electricity, running water and secular education to Tibet. The monks on the other hand set them selves above the common men, women and children of Tibet, they lived in splendor while the people lived in squalor and misery. The Tibetan monks condone slavery as well and brutal torture as punishment for crimes. I'm all for free Tibet, but without the monks' rule.


This video (more or less audio) tells it how it was back then nicely.