Karl Sanders is clearly the best sweeper ever:
I mean c'mon were are comparing 2 guys here who have significant differences is contribution to our favourite band. Alexi has done more so we have more reason to say Alexi.
Actually, if you want to look at it that way, Roope was a huge influence for Alexi and many other inspiring guitarists, and indirectly has done 'more' for CoB (which is not everyone's favorite band by the way) and (Finnish) metal all around than Alexi has.
That's it. This thread had no point from the start, and resurrecting it when it was already dead was pointless too. Stone rocks, COB rocks, Roope influenced Alexi, Alexi influences many people, they have really similar styles. How do you decide, in a fair way, who's better? You can't.
Good point. I do also think that Alexis influences are much bigger than Roopes nowadays. Look at allt he Alexi wannabes on YouTube or in this forum.
If Stone would make a new album, would Roope be influenced by Alexi and Stone influenced by Bodom?
And damn you Jose, I was counting on you to continue this pointless argument that has been done already multiple times. I like to follow these threads, good entertainment.